The key to two paths

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You wake up seeing the sun's rays peeking up over the dawn. You slowly wiggle out of Bakugo's embrace, mentally saving his peaceful expression in your mind as the sun coats his smooth skin.

You reach for the now crumpled envelope in your pocket, tiptoeing through the bedroom then making a dashing to the kitchen. You throw open the drawer grabbing a knife as you gliding it along with the seal.

You pull out a letter as a black metal key falls, hitting the counter. You pick up key examining it as you unfold the letter with your other hand.


Before I start this. Congratulations on making it this far, I didn't think you could make it this far without cracking under the pressure in UA, especially since we last attacked. My bad exposing you. Dabi has already given you the coordinates on our location for the Sports Festival. I know you will make it without fail. You are probably wondering why I need you at such an important time? Attending would benefit you more than us. Use the key to get into the location.

with love,
~ T

"That Bastar*! What the hell is his game?" You burn the letter in your hand, casting the ashes into the fireplace. You overhear heavy footsteps echoing across the wood floors.

"Why are you up so early?" Bakugo sheepishly strolls into the kitchen.

"HAHA, Good Morning, Frankenstein. Nice hairdo." You giggle childishly, studying the messy demeanor of the blond.

"Pipe down halfbreed. It's too early for your attitude."

"And it's never too early for your bad mood." You shoot back cockily. "We should hurry and get back to town before noon. I'm sure not only your parents are concerned, but also, you should spend the day taking it easy.

"Easy? Tsk, I can take it easy when I win." Bakugo turns with frustration heading back into the direction of the bedroom.

"And you call me childish." You mumble rolling your eye.

You and Bakugo slowly walk down the hill to the bus stop. You close your eyes, taking in the fresh scent of the open country, letting all your senses greedily devour the sound, smells, and a touch of freedom. You slowly open your eyes, the glaring sun glistening across the road pavement; As the screeching sound of the bus comes to a stop.


Bakugo slams open the entrance of the house, screeching at the top of the lungs, "HEY I'M HOME!"

"ABOUT TIME!" In a microsecond, Mitsuki dashes into the living room, engulfing you in a tight embrace. "OH MY POOR POOR (y/n) I was afraid Katsuki kidnaped you!"

"What the Hell ?!!!" Katsuki shoots back in vexation.

"Ah, you got it all wrong, we were training." You laugh nervously, wiggling out of Mitsuki's embrace.

"Oh, good! I can't wait to see my strong girl win tomorrow!"

"Well, you see, I don't have all the right paperwork in, and you know I can't really get them signed right now due to... um, my caretaker is busy so... I'm kinda, not taking part in the festival." Mitsuki falls silent, staring back from you to Bakugo. She takes you back into her embrace, smoothing your hair gently.

"Sweetie, if you need help with adult stuff like that, just ask me in the future. Your part of our family now. No worries. Okay." You return the embrace hugging Mitsuki tighter then you envisioned. Your heart winced at the pain that will fall upon the ones you care for if they knew the truth.

"T-thank you so much."

"HEY! I'm still here, you know, take your cry fest somewhere el... AH." Mizuki took her left heel, chucking it across the room, nailing Bakugo straight on.

"SHUT IT YOU SPOILED BRAT! LET ME ENJOY THIS MOMENT." "Now both of you go get cleaned up and get ready for tomorrow." You give a gentle smile before jogging up the stairs. You turn the hall waking into Bakugos room, waiting for him to make his way up to the second floor.

Distinguishable footsteps echo across the hall as Bakugo walks into his room, appearing agitated.

"What's with that look, Katsuki? Save that frustration for tomorrow." Katsuki glares at you with not annoyance but desperation. The blond grabs your arm, pulling you in closer.

"Only look at me tomorrow, got it. I will win tomorrow. You can count on it!"
Your face stretched into the biggest smile you could possible muster. "Haha, I wouldn't expect any less Bakugo Katsuki."

With that, you jumped onto his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Now come on. let's rest for tomorrow, okay?"

"Fine. But only for a little bit."

You and Bakugo watched the previous UA sports festival in years past preparing for the unpredictable outcome of tomorrow's Sports Festival.

Forever [Katsuki Bakugo x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora