Double Cross Alliance

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"Wait, I ...."

"STOP!" A low minacious voice echo through the bar as the t.v flickers with static. Tomura lets go of your throat quickly, still keeping one hand on your wrist.

"That's enough." The voice sends queasiness across your body.

"I believe (y/n) was about to say something." You freeze in terror at the screen, trying to form words to come out your mouth.

"Answer (y/n)!" Tomura's patience runs out as he put all five fingers down in your wrist. First, your sleeve, then skin quickly begins to disintegrate until skin starts to chip way to muscle. You cry out in agony, trying to push Tomura away with all your strength as he disturbingly watches you suffer.

"I SAID THAT'S ENOUGH!" The voice bellows out of the t.v in remarkable volume. Tomura lets go of you, looking at you down at you in disgust.

"Now you know of the terms if you choose not to play our game (y/n). I'll give you one last chance to answer."

"Will you join us? "You look down, clutching your wrist in anguish. You give in to defeat, surrendering once again to the League's control.

"I've come to terms. I will never be able to outrun my past. But under one condition, only then will I accept the terms."

"You're under no condition to be making bargains, sister."

"I'll hear her out."

"You want All Might gone correct? I will be with you to see that through—nothing else."


"I will not handover the winner; I'll assist, but I will not do it on my own like last time," Tomura smirks in curiosity.

"What if the blondie is the winner?" You freeze, at the thought, you could be the one bringing Bakugo into danger, but if it is him, it might be easier to rescue him since I would be on the inside. But they could use me as leverage to persuade him. You formulate the best possible strategies that plays in your favor. I got it! I got a plan! All I have to do is...

"I'm willing to take the chance, Tomura. Do we have a deal, Master." A silence falls upon the room.

"If she aids in our goal, I don't see why it would be a problem."

"What if she betrays us." Tomura shoots back at Kurogiri.

"Leave that up to me. I will honor the deal (y/n). You must get back before they see through your facade." Before you could get a word out to master, you are engulfed in Kurogiri's void once again landing shoulder first in the bathroom. You stagger, the pain in your wrist coming back in full force, as your adrenaline plummets. You slowly grab the edge of the sink to lift yourself back on your feet; in seconds, an object falls through the void disappearing as quickly as it formed.

You pick up the object examining it. It appeared to be the exact phone that Twice was carrying. After putting one and one together, you figured out the uses for the phone. You turn on the sink's water wiping your face clear as you take off your shredded leather jacket throwing it in the trash. You look down at the rest of your clothing. Your tights were ripped as well as your long sleeve top stained with crimson red. You remembered the bag you left in the room that included a cell phone and a change of clothes. You flipped open the phone, dialing your number instantly.

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