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October 31, 2014 (92)
Today was Halloween. I volunteered to help out with the little kids at their Halloween harvest festival. I painted every kid's face. There was a really long line. I made sure every child got what they wanted. When the line lingered to a few kids a larger child sat at my booth. When I looked up I saw Cody's browns eyes and his auburn locks.
"I thought I might find you here," he said.
"Oh yeah? How?"
"You seem like the person who loves to help out with these kinds of things."
I giggled.
"You know, you have a really cute laugh."
"Yes! I mean it! It's adorable."
"Do you want a face painting? Or what?"
"Yeah! Give me something that suits me."
"Okay," I laughed
I put my paintbrush into the orange paint and I began.
I held up the mirror to him.
"Wow. I see why you chose this animal. It's fast, loud, tough, and great with the ladies, if I do say so myself."
"Uhhh. No I chose it because it's majestic, strong, proud, and it just suits you."
"Hmm. I guess so. Now how do I pay you for this?"
"No charge!"
"No! A fine piece of art deserves payment."
"Well I don't want your money. Thanks!"
"What about this?"
He pulled me close into a kiss. It wasn't the type of movies where the guy fights for dominance, but more of a soulful, loving, kiss where two people stand close and can feel each other's hearts beating. It only lasted for seconds, but it felt like glorious hours an eternity of passion.
When he pulled away, I just giggled.
"I think that should cover it," he said.

Later that evening when I was getting ready for bed I found smudges of orange and black on my left cheek.
92- tigers.

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