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James POV
I woke up late today.
The smell of something was in the air.
I could even name what is was, but it was coming from Cody who was standing at the window.
"What's that smell?"
"Oh. You're up," he said. He had a white roll in his hand. I didn't recognize it but I knew it wasn't a cigarette. My mom smokes those everyday.
He threw the roll out the window.
"You want some?" He held up a small package.
"What is it?"
"Cocaine," he said nonchalantly.
"Er. No thanks."
He walked into the bathroom and closed the door.
I reached to grab my journal when my pencil rolled under Cody's bed.
"Great," I sighed.
I kneeled down and reached under his bed.
My hand wrapped around a bottle. I pulled it out and looked at the label.
How did he get whiskey?
Who knows.
I heard his coughing from the bathroom and I pushed the bottle back under his bed.
I jumped into my bed and acted casual.
He grunted in answer.
"Aren't you supposed to stay clean and sober?"
He started laughing.
"What makes you think I'm not sober?"
"Nothing. Nothing."
He walked over to my bed.
"James, I have a question for you." I could smell the liquor on his breath
"Do you hate me?"
"What?" I asked.
"Do you hate me?"
"Cody I don't -"
"Answer the f*cking question!" He started to yell.
"Cody please! Quiet down. You're drunk."
"Answer me!" He grabbed my arm tight.
"No! No, Cody," I answered.
"Then why did you say that when I brought you back to life?"
"Cody, that wasn't your fault. I just wanted to escape."
He settled down and walked back to his bed. He laid face down on his bed and started snoring.
I don't think he woke up until ten at night, but as soon as he woke up, I fell asleep.

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