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Cody POV
Grace asked me to go on a jog around the block with her today. When I asked her why, she claimed that all the Christmas cookies did her in. "Grace you're perfect. Don't forget that," I told her. She answered back by sifting through my drawers for my sweat pants and a tee shirt.
After asking for a hospital escort to follow us, we started off around the block at a brisk pace. Grace was laughing at my squirrel jokes as we passed through the park where we stopped for water.
"Ooh," she sighed, "My legs are all tingly."
"Must be those cookies you where talking about."
"Yeah," she laughed, "Must be."
We were on or way back to the hospital when Grace face planted the pavement. Her leg just gave out and she fell. I will never forget that tiny yelp she gave. She wasn't hurt too badly, just a little scratched. Nothing that Neosporin and a few kissing couldn't fix. The escort had us carefully walk to the hospital where Grace was whisked away for an examination. She kept telling me that she was alright. She is so strong.
34- Grace's strength

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