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Grace's POV
December 9, 2014
"Hi baby," Cody whispered in my ear as he stepped into bed next to me.
"Hmm?" I said half awake, "Hi, Cody."
He kissed my forehead, "You still working on your hat?"
"Yeah, it's on my nightstand," I said with a yawn.
"Come here," he said pulling me closer.
"Why are you up so early?"
"I thought maybe if you did your chemo early, we could go out tonight."
"Out? Like out, out?"
"Where would we go?"
"It's a surprise," he kissed me again as he reached for my IV and my arm.
He read me a few chapters of my favorite novel before leaving to pick up some cereal.
We ate our cereal before I told him I had to take a quick shower.
"Do you need assistance, Grace?" He playfully asked.
"No, I am perfectly capable."
"Okay, I'll wait here for you."
While I was washing my hair I saw a lot of my short light brown hairs going down the drain and even clogging it.
"Dammit," I whispered to myself as I collected the hairs and flung them in the trash.
I reach around the bathroom blindly looking for my towel.
"Here you go."
"Cody!!" I yelled.
He laughed like a maniac as he collapsed in giggles on my bed.
I put on my jeans and sweatshirt and pinned him down.
"You think you're so funny, huh?" I asked.
He nodded.
"Well, you're right," I said before kissing him.
We spent the day catching up on Netflix until the sun started to set.
"Okay, Grace. You ready?" He asked.
"Yeah," I said, grabbing my purse.
"Okay we are going to take the stairs out, okay?"
I nodded an okay.
We left on the Netflix in my room to keep the nurses thinking that we were there.
We descended the stairs quickly and quietly.
Cody took my hand and led me down the street.
For the first time in a long time I felt normal.
We walked hand in hand down the street watching others on the street.
A mother and father walked past us holding hands with a little girl who was jumping over the cracks in the sidewalk.
An older couple crossed the street.
A woman walked alone yelling into her Bluetooth.
Cody pulled us into a tiny burger joint.
I laughed, "Is this where you were taking us?"
We bought some of the best burgers ever at the order station.
Thick, juicy patties, soft warm buns, melted cheese, and pickles.
"You know what, Grace?"
"What?" I asked as I dipped two fries in ketchup.
"If the Krabby Patty was real, this would be it."
"Yeah?" I laughed.
"I'm serious!"
Just then the chimes hung on the door rang as another patron walked in.
"Cody, keep your head down," I whispered.
"What? Why?" He asked.
"Shhh. Just do it."
"Okay, guys, enough fooling around. It's time to go back," nurse Patricia told us.
"Dang, how'd you find us?" Cody asked.
"Do you think I'm stupid?" She asked him.
"No, ma'am."
"Okay then, you two pack up and head back to the hospital."
"Yes, ma'am," we said.
We were escorted back to our hallway.
"Well, that was fun," I told Cody.
"Until we got caught," he said.
I kissed him goodnight.
51- burger joints

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