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Emma POV
I was right.
Your legs don't really work right after being asleep for two days.
I finally got the chance to walk around but my legs wouldn't cooperate.
The doctors told me that I could walk around for ten minutes at most before I needed to take a break and sit.
I walked to the bathroom to take a quick shower.
The water running over my body felt wonderful.
Steam had just started to form when I shut off the water and put on a robe.
I sat on my bed to comb out my long hair and give my legs a rest when I saw an unmarked white box near my door.
It was full of brand new clothes. Sweats, jeans, tee shirts, and a few sweatshirts. A pair of running shoes and a pair of furry boots.
I threw on grey sweats, a white tee shirt, and the boots.
Grace's room was right next to mine.
She was alone crocheting a hat.
I knocked on her door.
"Oh, hi Emma!" She said, setting aside her yarn.
"Hi," I said.
"You need anything?"
"Yeah. Can I sit?" I gestured to her beanbag.
"So how long have you been here?"
"45 days."
"And Cody?"
"40. Why?"
"Well it seems like you two are really close for only knowing each other for 40 days. And how long have you guys been dating?"
"A little more than 30 days."
"So in ten days you guys started dating?"
"Emma, have you ever loved someone outside of your family?"
"No. Or at least I can't remember if I have," I answered.
"Well, it's like a best friend. You know that this person cares for you and will be there for you. And you know that you would go to the ends of the earth for them. You know?"
"Yeah, I think."

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