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Cody POV
Grace finally came back!
I stayed up all night last night waiting for her. When she finally came down the doors in her wheelchair I sprinted to her and hugged her so tight she had to tell me to loosen up.
"I missed you too, Cody," she laughed.
I shooed the nurse away so that I could take her to her room. After helping her into her bean bag, I asked her all about her trip.
"What was the city like?"
"Cody, I told you! I didn't get to visit anything! I went straight to this hospital were they did some tests and then gave me the medicine. Speaking of which, there it is right now."
Nurse Patricia was standing at the door with an IV bag full of pinkish liquid. I walked over an retrieved it from her. With expert hands, Grace hooked it up and inserted the needle into the tube in her arm. We sat and watched cartoons for the rest of the day until Grace fell asleep on my shoulder.
24- Grace's cute snore

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