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Patty POV
Present (January 28)
And that's where the journals ended. Everybody stopped writing in them. How could it have gone so wrong in just ten days? Yes, I was around them, but I couldn't read their minds. I am just a nurse.
We don't even know where Cody is anymore. The surveillance shows him stealing a car but that is all we know. He is presumably dead.
James died a few short days after his last journal entry.
Grace died too.
She died less than a week ago but Cody was the only one with her when she died.
We would ask Emma what happened but she lost her memory of the whole hospital stay after her first surgery. She recently decided to have another surgery to reverse the damage done. She was going into surgery yesterday evening. She is probably still asleep. I look up at the clock. The little hand points at the two. I should probably be asleep, too. But I can't sleep not knowing what happened to four of the sweetest people I will ever know. At that moment a bright light blinds me and the world fades out. When it fades back in I see Emma asleep on her bed, I am sitting next to her. She begins to stir.
"Emma?" I say, "Emma it's me, James."

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