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Emma POV
"Well, that was a disaster," I said plopping down on my bed.
James plopped down next to me.
"I thought they liked pizza."
"Apparently, not each other."
This was our fifth attempt to bring Grace and Cody back together and we failed, again.
"Shit. We can't let Grace spend her last christmas upset."
"Maybe we should focus on her instead of the both of them."
"Okay so what can we do?" I asked.
"What does she like, cookies?"
"Her sister. She loves her sister, Casey. And they used to go caroling together."
"What? How do you know that?"
"Um. I- I just do."
"Okay well let's get her sister on the phone," he said.
He walked to the front desk and got Grace's parents phone number. We dialed the number into James flip phone. A man answered the phone.
"Mr. Shaw speaking."
"Good evening sir. We are friends with Grace and we were wondering if Casey could set up a video chat for a surprise for Grace."
"Grace? She's still there?" We heard him groan on the line.
"Sir?" James asked.
"Look, buddy all I want is to enjoy my vacation with my family and not let whatever Grace has ruin it. So thank you for that interesting update on Grace but I will be going now. Goodbye."
"Wait!" James yelled as the line was cut.
"What the hell just happened?" I asked.
"Um. I don't really know."
"So her dad hates her?! That's horrible!"
"I know."
"So what do we do now?" I asked.
"Oh! I have an idea!" We ran down to the younger children's section of the hospital and found a little boy named Jace. James got on one knee to talk to him, "Hey Jace can you do us a favor?"
He nodded in response.

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