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James POV
I don't want Emma to get that surgery done. What if she finds out that she doesn't like me? Or what if she had a boyfriend before her accident? I really don't want to lose her. She is all I have now. My mother came to visit the hospital for the first time today. I was put in a room with a guard at the door in case I freak out.
"Hello, James," she said, "How are you?"
"That's good. That's good."
"Look what do you want?"
"I want you to get well."
"You want me to come home?"
"I don't think this is the right place for you. Look I found a great place in Wyoming for people like you."
"People like me?!"
"Jaime. I didn't mean it like that. Please sit down!"
I realized that I was standing, the male nurse was behind me, ready to whisk me away at a moments notice.
"Sorry, I won't be leaving."
I began to head for the door.
"James, wait."
"What?" I said nonchalantly.
"It's your father. He-"
"He what?" I said, mentally shaking her, "What?!"
"He's dead."
The color drained out of the world as I made a break for it to the rooftop garden.

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