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Emma POV
It is so cold here.
There is rain pounding outside the window.
The girl, Grace, brought soup and her boyfriend, Cody.
They are sickeningly cute.
Everything they do is a show of how much they "love" each other.
I think it's incredibly cliché.
She explained as she started to tear up how she only has 54 days left to live because of her brain tumors and that she intends on spending every last day with Cody.
Her boyfriend finished her story by reassuring the both of us that he knows that she will overcome this.
"So why are you here?" I asked him.
"I'm a drug addict. But I could stop it if I want," he explained.
He is so addicted he doesn't even realize it.
"Cody? You are clean now right?" Grace asked.
"Huh? Oh yeah, baby. I just take a tiny bit before they come to check on me so that I can stay here with you."
"Oh, okay," she giggled as he pressed his lips to hers in an attempt to change the subject, "so I have to go back to chemo, but we will visit again tomorrow. Get some rest!"
I did a fake gag as they walked out the door.
Now they're gone.





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