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Cody POV
Emma and James watch Grace while I try to sleep in the beanbag. Grace asks Emma to help fix what little hair she has left. As Emma carefully brushes the hair back with her hands, clumps still fall off and stick to the bedsheets. I try not to cry as I bring back memories of Grace with her golden-brown hair and her face when it was still full of color.
13- Grace's hair

Emma POV
Grace told us that she isn't going to make it. The nurses told us to stay around her in case her time comes earlier than expected. The surgeon met with me and after careful thought, I am going to have the surgery as soon as possible.

James POV
Everyone is abandoning me. Grace is dying, Emma is going into surgery tomorrow, and I doubt Cody will be sticking around here without Grace. Maybe this is when I should make my exit too.

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