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Cody POV
This is stupid. I have to write in this journal about my stay here, and why I'm even here. Well let me explain. My friends snitched to the principal about the drugs I had and then the principal had me sent here after I failed a little drug test.
First thing I'm going to do when I get out of here is punch Matt for being a little twerp and telling the principal that I was high. After that, I'm going to have to go buy more drugs because the cops confiscated my whole stash. All I have left is the few joints and the lighter I keep in my back pocket. I have a window in my room so that's good I guess. Can't have the doctors finding my last joints.
//That Afternoon//
This girl came in my room today, she was really hot and she smelled like lavender. I offered her a joint but she said no. Something about cancer. I don't know why I even asked. If she would have said yes, I would have had to give her one of my last six joints. She's the only person here. There's no guys here. I wonder if I can find a drug supplier around here.

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