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Patricia POV
The world fades back in.
I look at the clock. Not even a minute has passed. Was that a vision? I'm not sure. Now I know what happened to them. Now it all lies on Emma to live and to carry on her friends lives. She must live, it's my job to protect her.
I walk down the hallway to her room.
She is still unconscious from the heavy sedatives she was given. Her hair was sloppily chopped off before the surgery. I pray over her that she will remember everything about her friends who loved her.
I walk back to my desk where my superior, Doug, is waiting.
"So are you done reading?" He asks.
"Yes, Doug."
"Okay, great. Why don't you go home early and get some sleep? We are expecting Emma to wake up tomorrow morning."
"Okay, see you this evening," I say.
"Patricia, can I ask you something?"
"Yes, Doug."
"Do you think I could take you to lunch today?"
"Doug. I work the night shift. I sleep all day."
"Okay, some other time?"
"Maybe," I tell him.
I clock out and get into my car.
I say goodnight to Emma in my head as I pull out of the parking lot.

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