Chapter 52; Freedom

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Draco's POV

Blaise, Aurora and myself made our way down the stairs of my house to find Snape, Bellatrix and my parents waiting for us.

"Okay so what is the plan?" I asked.

Bellatrix started to repeat the cover story we had already heard the day before.

I rolled my eyes and closed them for a second holding up a hand to make her stop talking. 

"Obviously, Bella. I mean the plan to get back to Hogwarts." I snapped.

Bellatrix widened her eyes at me and cocked her head over my tone.

"How dare you speak to me like that-" Aurora cut Bellatrix off.

"We aren't in the mood, Bellatrix. Snape, the plan?" She said.

"We'll apparate to Hogsmeade where I'll leave you to make your way back alone. I'll be in the castle when someone finds you all outside. News will spread fast, there have been many people looking for the three of you, you've been in the Daily Prophet as missing. Once you're discovered at the castle, I'll stay with you all until you're released back to the dormitories." Snape explained.

"We've been in the Daily Prophet?" Aurora asked.

My father snapped a copy of the newspaper out and unfolded it, revealing photos of all three of us on the front with the word 'missing' in huge letters across the top.

"We made sure to make a big deal about it so it looked normal, without these theatrics it would be suspicious." My mother explained.

"Right, the Malfoy's wouldn't let Draco and his wi-" Aurora elbowed Blaise in the ribs. "Girlfriend go missing without some elaborate search." Blaise commented.

"It makes sense." Aurora nodded.

"Ready?" I asked looking to each person leaving.

We all touched hands and with a pop left Malfoy Manor. Our feet landed somewhere in Hogsmeade. 

"Take the long way back but don't get seen." Snape said and walked towards the Shrieking Shack.

We walked off, Aurora with the hood of her cloak up and I did the same. Blaise may be able to blend in easier but Aurora's fire red hair and my snow white hair wouldn't be hard to miss. As we walked out of Hogsmeade, I looked around briefly. There were at least seven missing posters up just in the small area I stared at. A few with me on it, a few with Aurora and a few with Blaise. We continued to walk quickly back towards the castle, looking back every few feet to make sure we weren't followed, no one should really be on this path with all of the students away for holiday. After walking a mile or two, the castle came into view. We all paused and looked at each other. I couldn't help but smile looking around and even seeing the Quidditch Pitch. Aurora smile and shook her head.

"I didn't know if we'd ever see this place again." She said.

We all turned to each other briefly, casting spells at one another to make us look slightly beaten and dirty to fit our story of being kidnapped. Aurora had a glimmer of red blood coming out of her nose and a busted lip, I had a black eye and Blaise a cut on his face.

"Let's go." Blaise said. 

Aurora and I dropped out cloak hoods and continued to the bridge that lead to the front doors of the castle. As we walked up the bridge, a random Hufflepuff who had stayed over break sat looking out at the snow falling. They turned to see who was coming up behind them, the boy's jaw dropped.

"You're all alive." He managed to get out.

Aurora spit some blood out of her mouth from the bloody lip and said;

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