Chapter 19; New Years

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Draco's POV

We were all sitting around in the living room, it's the afternoon on New Year's Eve. My parents were going to some New Year's party with their deatheater friends so were having people over from school for the night.

"Oh, we should sort out you two's school supplies since you'll be going back to Hogwarts in a few days." Mother said.

Father nodded and got up to go retrieve the bags of things he and I had bought when we all went to Diagon Alley. He returned with three good sized bags and set them down in front of mother.

Aurora moved over near my mother and sat on the floor to help her go through the bags. I smiled watching the two of them interact. For my whole life my mother has been pretty much the most important person to me, she wasn't cruel like my father. She has accepted Aurora into our family seamlessly, even my father seems to have bonded with her.

Soon two piles had formed on the floor, one mine and one Rory's.

Aurora started to put the random things in two bins. I decided I had better help since half of the junk was my own.

"You know, you guys really didn't have to get all of this for me." Aurora said tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Oh nonsense, anything you need dear we can always get it for you." Mother said to her.

"You're part of the family now." Father told her, picking up his newspaper.

We had finished with our school supplies and ate a late lunch and then my parents told us goodbye for the rest of the evening and said they'd probably be back sometime in the early morning. 

"Should we make snacks for everyone tonight?" Aurora asked.

"Yeah we could or the elves could do it." I shrugged. "What do you want to make?" 

"Cookies? Popcorn?" She suggested.

"Sure, darling." I said walking past her towards the kitchen.

"Hello, Mister Malfoy." Binks said shuffling around drying some dishes.

"Hi Binks." I smiled at him.

"You know, sir. Your father has been much nicer to us elves since having Ms. Grey around." Binks told me.

"Yeah she's pretty great, isn't she?" I replied putting my arm around Aurora's waist.

"Did the two of you need me to make you something? He asked.

"No, Binks. We were coming to make some cookies and popcorn for our New Year's party." Aurora told him smiling.

"Could you just help us gather the supplies to make it?" I asked Binks.

"Why of course, sir." Binks said as the plate he was drying flew out of his hand and put itself away in a cabinet. 

He shuffled around sending random things flying out of the pantry and landing on the island. Aurora giggled watching Binks wander about.

"I think that should be everything you need, sir." Binks said looking at his hands. "Is there anything else you need?"

"I don't think so, buddy. Thank you." I told him.

"Would you like to hangout with us while we bake?" Aurora asked him sweetly.

"I suppose I could if that's okay with Master Malfoy." He mumbled.

"C'mon Binks, of course you can." I told him.

I started mixing together the ingredients as Aurora measured them out. Binks sat on the counter swinging his legs back and forth talking to Aurora and myself as we worked. Every so often Aurora would throw Binks a chocolate chip and he would try to catch it in his mouth.

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