Chapter 14: Panic

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Aurora's POV

I rolled over and reached for my blonde haired boyfriend but all I found were were his black sheets. I felt panic flood over me and I shot up in the bed.

"Draco?" I said loudly.

He must have heard the panic in my voice, he came rushing out of the bathroom with a white towel around his waist. 

"Darling what is it?" He came to the side of the bed.

"I reached for you and when you weren't there, I don't know, I felt so scared like you were gone." I told him feeling tears creep into my eyes.

"Oh Rory, I'm right here." He said climbing into the bed to take me into his arms. 

I started to shake all over even with his toned arms around me. I felt them tighten around me.

"Just breathe, sweetheart. I'm right here." He whispered while slightly rocking me back and forth.

I finally pulled away to look at him.

"I'm not going anywhere. I just got up to shower and didn't want to wake you. I won't do it again." He pleaded with me.

"I'm not mad at you. I don't know what is happening to me." I said looking at my trembling hands.

Draco put his hands around mine and kissed them.

"I think you're having an anxiety attack." Draco told me. "Just lie still for a minute." 

We sat in the bed for a few minutes with Draco holding me. I finally began to calm down.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen." I told him.

"It isn't your fault, it's okay." He said with a hand on my cheek.

"How about a warm shower?" He asked motioning to the bathroom.

I nodded and got up to walk into the bathroom. Draco turned the water back on as I took off the sweatshirt I was wearing. Now all I had on was my red lace underwear. I slipped them off not really caring anymore if Draco saw my body. He turned to me and paused looking me up and down. He leaned in to kiss me and then opened the door to the shower. I stepped in, expecting him to follow me but he shut the door.

"Wait, Draco" I called for him

He opened the door. "Are you okay, love?"

"Yeah, will you stay with me?" I asked him.

He looked a bit nervous but nodded. He dropped the towel from around his waist. This was the first time I had completely seen his body just as it was him to see mine. This wasn't exactly how I pictured this happening but I didn't want to be away from him right now.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yes, babe." He answered. "I just didn't think-"

"I know me either." I answered to him practically reading my mind. "I just don't want to be alone, I want to be with you right now."

He nodded understanding. This was the first moment since the beginning of my little episode I actually looked at him. My perfect boyfriend had been in a towel this entire time and now he's standing in the shower with me.. I looked him up and down for the first time and wow.

My eyes met Draco's, we stared for a split second and both moved towards each other. He put his hands on my hips and we started making out. He slowly moved me back against the wall. My hands running through his wet hair, his lips made their way to my neck. He found my sensitive spot and I gasped. We were both engulfed in the warm water of the shower. Draco's hands felt all over my body. He pulled away to get a breath and looked at me through the dripping icicles of hair and bit his lip.

"Oh absolutely not." I said breathlessly and pulled him back to my lips.

"Who said you were the boss?" He said pulling away again to tease me and an evil smirk made its way across his face.

He put his hand around my throat and pressed me harder against the wall. I smirked at him, he leaned back in to kiss me. After a few kisses I bit his lip and growled "I did" at him. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow and shook his head. 

"What did I get myself into falling for you?" He asked.

"What? Too much for big bad Draco?" I said poking out my bottom lip.

"Oh, I don't think you know what I'm capable of, princess." Draco snarled at me with nothing but mischief sparkling in those blue/grey eyes.

"Well I'd love to tell you to prove it, but we really need to go downstairs before your mum comes looking for us." I told him.

"Ah you're right." Draco groaned.

"I know I know, I could stay here all day with you." I pleaded with him.

"All day?" He asked. "Is that a challenge?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Draco, come on." I giggled and pulled him out of the shower with me.

I wrapped a towel around my body and looked over my shoulder at him.

"But yes, it is." I winked at him.

"Challenge accepted." He told me leaning in for a quick kiss. "But I don't think you know what you're getting yourself into."

"We'll see." I told him going to pick out my outfit.

"Hey princess?" Draco called to me and came to the doorway.

"Yes, babe?" I asked

"Could we tell my mum about your anxiety attack?" Draco asked. "She might be able to help somehow."

I had slipped into navy blue lace underwear with a white bra and twisted my towel into my hair.

"Uh.. sure. I suppose. I don't really understand why that happened all of a sudden." I told him pulling a sweater out of my trunk.

"Just remember it isn't your fault." I reassured me.

He put on jeans and a quidditch t-shirt. My sweater hung off of my shoulder and I put leggings on with it. I put on some makeup and let my hair out of the towel, it was still damp but we weren't going anywhere so we went downstairs.

"Ah there you two are!" Narcissa smiled when she saw us.

"Good morning mother." Draco said kissing her on the cheek.

'Where's Father?" He asked looking around for him.

"Oh he just went out for the day." Narcissa told him. "To the ministry, I think."

Draco nodded.

"He loves to go and gossip." Narcissa told me.

I giggled.

"So mum we actually wanted to talk to you." Draco started to tell her what happened earlier.

Narcissa straightened in her chair and looked concerned. 

"What's wrong?" She asked

"This morning, Draco was already up when I woke up and when I reached and didn't feel him there I had a full on freak out." I started to explain.

"I think she had and anxiety attack." Draco told her. "I was about to take a shower when I heard her panicking to find me and I went over and she was shaking all over and breathing really hard." 

"I don't understand why it happened." I told her.

"That's okay dear." She assured me. "I have anxiety too, it can happen anytime."

Draco smiled at me lovingly. This is why he wanted to tell her.

"I keep a special potion in my bag for when I feel anxious or start to have an attack." She told me. "I'll make some for you and extra for you to take back to school."

"That would be great thank you." I told her.

"And I'll take some back with me just in case you don't have yours or something." Draco said.

Narcissa and I nodded.

We spent the rest of the day hanging out in the house and walking around outside, playing in the snow like we were little kids. 

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