Chapter 10: Mrs. Malfoy

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Aurora's POV

I was in my room packing up my clothes for winter holiday. I was really excited to stay with Draco, we didn't have to worry about classes or anything. I was also excited to meet his mother because even though Draco doesn't say it, I know he has a soft spot for her.

I was folding a jumper when I heard the door open and I jumped. I dropped the sweater.

"Dylan, I thought you left alre-" I stopped because it wasn't Dylan.

My sweet white haired boy stood staring at me in the doorway. He smiled at me. It was then I realized I was still in my pajamas, my eyes got big.

"I like this look, princess." He said chuckling walking towards me.

"Oh stop." I said throwing a shirt at him. "I just hadn't decided what I was going to wear on the train yet."

"Just wear whatever you'd like." He told me.

"Absolutely not, Draco Malfoy! I can't just wear anything to meet your mother!" I said getting anxious.

He put a hand on my waist.

"Oh peanut, she is going to love you no matter what you wear." He said and kissed my forehead.

"How did you get in here anyway?" I asked him.

"Do you know who I am? I am Draco Malfoy, I can do what I want." He said looking smug.

I giggled and continued folding my clothes.

"We do need to leave soon, babe." He told me helping fold a shirt.

"I know I just need to get dressed." I told him.

I had already done my hair and makeup so I could pack it all up. 

"Here wear this" Draco was handing me a cream colored sweater.

I saw a green suede skirt laying waiting to be back and I grabbed it. I went into the bathroom to get dressed.

"You know you don't need to go in there to get dressed." Draco said

"Yeah Yeah." I said back through the door.

I know I didn't need to and he'd happily see me change clothes but I was still to insecure to.

"Hey could you hand me the panty hose laying on the bed?" I asked him.

After a second I heard a little knock on the door, I opened it to take the tights from him. They were black with little velvet polka dots on them. He walked into the bathroom and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. He looked me over in the mirror. I had tucked the front half of the sweater into my skirt that was just fitted to my hips and thighs.

"My mother is going to love you." He kissed my cheek and went to wait on my bed.

I put on the tights and grabbed black combat boots with a heel on them and walked over to Draco. With a flick of my wand the rest of my things I needed to take with me flew into my trunk.

"Okay I'm ready." I told him and he got up to take my trunk downstairs.

We got on the train and managed a compartment alone. Although no one would really want to share with us because they were scared of us.

"I'm sure the guys will come in here eventually." Draco remarked. "So should we take advantage of being alone while we have it?"

He ran his hand up my thigh and I grabbed the collar of his black button down shirt and pulled him to my lips. I shifted in the sit to face him. He got on top of me and soon his lips started wandering down to my jaw and then my neck. He stayed in one spot sure to leave a mark and I inhaled sharply and let out a little moan. One of Draco's hands started to untuck my sweater and wonder under it. I inhaled again to suck in the little stomach I had so he wouldn't feel my extra fat. He didn't seem phased by it as he found my bra to play with. We continued to make out until the compartment door flew open and Crabbe cleared his throat. We sat up quickly and I started to smooth my hair and Draco just smirked.

Goyle and Blaise followed him in and sat down with us. Goyle gave me a weird look, he was looking at my shoulder. I looked down and my sweater was half off my shoulder, revealing the strap and top of my black bra. I cleared my thought nervously and pulled it back up.

"Having a little fun were we?" Blaise asked messing with Draco

"Oh don't go getting jealous, Blaise." I snarked at him.

Draco smirked and put his arm around me.

We all sat chatting about school and our holiday plans. Draco invited the guys to come visit us at Malfoy Manor for a day over break.

The train came to a stop. We had arrived. We got up and Draco waited for me to scoot out of the seat to keep my skirt from sliding up. I stood up to adjust my sweater and tuck it back in the way it was before Draco had untucked it.

"How do I look?" I asked after I had fixed it.

Everyone had left the compartment, Draco softened after they were gone. I wondered if he was going to keep his cold facade up around his parents all break or be the soft sweet guy I care so deeply for.

"You look perfect, darling." He kissed my cheek and put his hand on the small of my back to guide me off of the train. 

Once in the corridor he followed behind me shooting glares at any guy who dared to stare at me. Before going down the steps to get off Draco switched placed with me to get off first. He took my hand and helped me down the steps and to the ground.

I smiled at him nervously, knowing I was about to meet his mother. She had to like me because of how close she and Draco are. He knew exactly what I was feeling.

"Relax, peanut. I'm right here." He kissed me hard and dipped me back far enough to make one of my leg lift off of the ground.

He had started calling me peanut a month or so ago, I don't know exactly why but he always said it when being cute or trying to comfort me. I always smile when he says it.

Before Draco stood me back up I heard a small giggle followed by a quiet "Draco"

He stood me up and when I looked to who said it I know I turned as red as the train.

It was Mrs. Malfoy.

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