Chapter 21; Classes

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Draco's POV

I had already been up for a little while, I was dressed and gathered both mine and Aurora's things for classes. She hadn't gotten up yet but I made sure to stay close in case she panicked when she realized I wasn't still in bed. I wanted her to sleep in though so she would feel better than she did last night.

She looked so beautiful even while sleeping. I stared at her for a moment when she started to stir. I walked to her side of the bed and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Aurora" I called her name softly. 

Her eyes slightly fluttered open.

"You need to get up soon we have class." I told her.

She sat up asking if we were late. I told her we had about 30 minutes until DADA. She got up and did her makeup. She waved her wand and her hair fixed itself into two French braids that were falling all the way down her back.

Once she finished getting dress I handed her her books and things, I gave her a quick kiss and we headed downstairs to make our way to class.

It was boring as always but Aurora sat in front of me so really I just stared at her most of the time. Potter got into an argument with Umbridge over Voldemort per usual. I just chose to ignore it and not think about the Dark Lord.

We finished our morning classes and walked to the Great Hall for lunch, we found our friends there waiting for us. I sat down next to Blaise and Aurora sat beside Dylan.

"So how was your night?" I said poking at Blaise.

"Man she went straight to bed as soon as you guys left." Blaise shrugged. "I guess I just have to try harder." 

I nodded, agreeing with him. 

Maybe try being a gentleman?" I suggested. "Instead of your typical tool approach with girls."

He laughed. 

"Yeah maybe, it worked for you." He nodded to Aurora.

I was really hoping he wouldn't screw it up and maybe Dylan would actually level him out so it wasn't such an ass to people.

When Blaise nodded in Aurora's direction that's when I noticed Dustin walking towards the table, specifically towards the empty space next to Dylan. With a swift motion I was up and moving towards Aurora and I sat down in the spot next to my girlfriend, beating Dustin there and making him walk the other way.

"What was that all about?" Aurora asked.

"I don't like that creep." I told her. "I don't feel good about him being near you. There's something weird about him."

Dylan laughed. "You're one to talk, the entire school is afraid of you."

"Well, he can continue to be afraid of me, for all I care, and stay the hell away from Aurora... and you and Hope for that matter." I nodded to Aurora's friends.

Aurora smiled at me getting defensive over her friends.

"What they're your best friends I don't want something happening to them any more than I want something happening to you." I said quietly to her.

"Draco Malfoy, a big softie." She nudged her shoulder into my arm.

Our whole little friend group had potions together after lunch so we all walked to Snape's classroom together. Aurora sat next to me in the back row in this class, I scooted my stool over to her before class, we were all there before the rest of the class.

I sat talking to her, obviously sitting close together when Pansy walked in.

Fuck, I forgot she was in this class with us.

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