Chapter 18; My Father

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Aurora's POV

I was getting out of the shower and put a towel around my body when I heard Draco come into the bathroom. He was wearing shorts and no shirt, his hair all messy and he was rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. 

"Good morning, darling." He mumbled in his sleepy voice.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked him starting to get dressed.

He let out a chuckle.

"After that workout, last night?" He ran his fingers through his hair. "Yeah, I did."

I giggled at his response. I had wrapped my hair in the towel I had around my body once I was dressed and went to sit on the bed. 

After a few minutes Draco came out of the bathroom. His hair wet from the shower. 

"Do you want to just hang out up here today?" He asked. "I'll bring some of the leftover junk food from last night up here and we can just be lazy."

"Yeah that sounds fun, honestly." I told him.

He left the room and returned shortly with a pile of food.

I laughed at him struggling to keep from dropping cookies and other snacks.

"Oh stop it." Draco said sitting the giant platter down on the bedside table. He came a plopped down next to me and handed me a cookie.

"So could I ask you something, Rory?" Draco asked.

"Of course, love." I said taking a bite of the cookie he gave me. "What is it?"

"Why do you never talk about your father?" He turned to look at me.

I nearly choked on the bite of cookie in my mouth.

"Um.." I trailed off. "Where did this come from, Draco?"

"I don't know. I know I don't have a good relationship with my father but you've met him. I met your mother last night but your father wasn't with her and I've never heard you speak of him." He said looking at me tenderly.

"Uh, well I haven't seen him in.. years." I started to explain. "He's uh-"

I stopped myself when I heard my voice falter. Draco put his hand on my knee, knowing he could feel my body starting to shake.

"I'm sorry I asked. We don't have to talk about it." He said with eyes that were filled with concern.

"No, it's okay." I placed my hand on top of his resting on my knee. "I have to tell you about him sooner or later."

"Are you sure?" He asked. "I can tell it's a sensitive topic, Aurora."

I nodded and swallowed the lump in my throat.

"When I was little, I was always a Daddy's girl. I went everywhere with him for the first few years of my life and then when I was four or five, he started disappearing for long gaps of time and being secretive and cold. He became almost abusive towards me and mum. I remember throwing a tantrum once to try and get him to stay home with me and he shoved me into a window that shattered all around me. I never understood. A month or so after that incident-"

I was stopped my a quiver in my voice and felt a tear slip out of my eye. Draco moved closer to me and pulled me into him. I caught my breath and continued with my story.

"A month or so after he pushed me into a window, he never came back. It wasn't until I was 10 or 11 that I started to piece it all together. One day I asked my mum where dad was even though I was nearly certain I knew. She sat me down and started to tell me about Voldemort and all of the events that occurred just after I was born. My father, Atlas Grey, was a deatheater. After Voldemort was destroyed by Harry Potter, my father managed to avoid being convicted of his crimes." 

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