Chapter 61; On Our Own

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Aurora's POV

Draco sat on the bed next to the bag I was frantically throwing things in, no matter how much I threw into the drawstring bag it never got bigger because of the charm I put on it.

"Aurora would you just calm down for a second?" Draco said to me.

"Draco how would I possibly just calm down?" I snapped at him and threw some clothes into the bag.

"Hey," He said softly and placing his hand on my arm snapping me out of my thoughts. 

I looked at him to find his stormy eyes piercing into my own and I felt myself instantly calm down.

"I know you're probably in shock right now after learning about your mother but we're going to figure it out. It's going to be okay." He said to me.

I turned and sat next to him on the bed.

"I know." I said not raising my eyes from my lap.

I felt his arm wrap around me, making me instantly melt into his shoulder and all of the tears I'd been holding in started flowing down my face onto his shirt. He sat holding me in his arms while I just cried. Cried over my mother, my father forcing me into this life, my husband being stuck in this life, everything. 

Draco rubbed my back until I stopped crying. I sat up, wiped my face and let out a sigh.

"Are you okay?" Draco asked hesitantly.

"Nope." I shook my head. "But we have to find my mother so I don't have the time to not be okay."

I stood and continued packing the bag with anything and everything I thought we may need.

**The Next Day**

Draco and I stood in front of his parents at the entryway of their massive home. Narcissa moved to hug me but froze when Voldemort entered the room.

"Ah, off already?" He said folding his hands together while his robes trailed behind him.

"Yes." Draco said as I watched him clinch his jaw at the sight of the Dark Lord.

"We'd like to try and find my mother before Atlas does." I said nodding my head.

Voldemort chuckled at my comment and then cocked his head.

"I pity Atlas Grey if he were to run across you, Aurora Malfoy." He said before turning and walking away.

I jumped slightly hearing him call me by my new last name, I hadn't heard it said out loud very much. Draco on the other hand looked at me out of the corner of his eye while that smirk of his grew across his face at the sound of Malfoy being my last name.

"Stay safe but don't write." Lucius said to us. "Atlas may intercept it or have people looking for you."

I felt fear rush through my body, knowing that if he found Draco and I while looking for my mother, he'd probably try to kill me like he did once before.

Draco's brow wrinkled.

"People? He doesn't have that much power, does he?" Draco asked.

"I'm afraid he does still have close friends that we're worried may do anything he asks to bring Aviana to the Dark Lord himself." Lucius explained.

I felt myself tense up at the thought of the lengths my father may go to get to my mother before we do.

"All would be forgiven by The Dark Lord if Atlas brings Aviana back." Narcissa said softly.

I clenched my jaw and straightened at the sound of her words. I knew what they were telling us; they were telling us that if we weren't the ones to being my mother back and my father was, we would no longer be safe here.

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