Chapter 3: The First Encounter

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Draco's POV

I sat up in the large green velvet chair I was sitting in to see who was entering.. It was Aurora.

"Well well well.." She said approaching me with an evil grin.

"Aurora" I said as she got close to the chair I was sitting in.

"If it isn't the precious prince of Slytherin himself." She said running a finger across the arm of the chair.

"Ah happy to see me are you?" I smirked.

"Oh you wish." She rolled her eyes.

I stood up, standing about a whole head length over her.

"You're right, I do wish. You know, darling.. we could run this school, you and I?" I said putting a finger under her chin and lifting her face to look at me.

When her eyes met mine it was like all of the air vanished from my lungs. She had eyes more green than the lake itself, shining through and reflecting on the walls.

"We could. But what fun is that when I can run the school alone. All of the power to myself." She raised an eyebrow.

I lowered my face close to hers, I could smell her perfume I was so close to her. She smelled like cinnamon and a fall day. My favorite time of year.

"But that will get awfully lonely, my dear." I said smirking and putting my hand on her cheek.

"Doubtful." She said and backed away from me. "I'll let you know when the day comes." She said winking at me.

"Oh I'll be waiting" I said watching her turn around and go up the stairs towards the girl's dormitory wing.

I watched her until she disappeared. Her hair swishing back and forth at her waist as her hips swaying side to side.

I bit my lip at the thought of her. Is she really playing games with me? I play games with girls not the other way around.

I turned to walk up the stairs to the boys dormitory wing, stopping on the first step. I glanced back towards the staircase I watched her disappear up.

"You wanna play games, Aurora? Let's play." I mumbled before the Common Room door slid open and everyone started to pour in. I turned to go upstairs and go to bed.

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