Chapter 44; The Truth

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Aurora's POV

Blaise and I ran down the corridors until we saw a dark figure walking down a hall. It was Draco. Blaise pulled me back out of the hall.

"Okay, so now what is the plan?" He whispered.

"The plan is to figure what the hell he's doing." I whispered. "I brought you because you're the only other DeathEater I know." 

He nodded and we followed Draco down the hall, periodically hiding in alcoves to avoid getting seen. Draco stopped at the end of the hall, pacing back and forth in front of a wall. But it wasn't a wall, a doorway appeared.

I looked at Blaise.

"It's the Room of Requirement, that's where he took me for Valentine's Day." I said. "I bet there's another girl in there." 

I was so angry that as soon as I saw him disappear through the doorway I followed him.

"Hey hey, what are you doing?" Blaise whisper yelled, grabbing my arm.

"I want to know who it is." I snapped.

"And then what? If you barge in and he is with another girl what are you going to do?" He asked.

"Kill him." I said reaching for the door knob before it disappeared.

I opened the door slowly, quietly. I poked my head in and Blaise did the same. The room was filled with junk, literally in piles to the ceiling.

"This isn't what it looked like when we came here on Valentine's." I whispered to Blaise.

"Well then maybe there's no girl in here." Blaise said, making an 'I told you so' face.

I rolled my eyes. "C'mon."

We slowly walked through the small paths, trying to find Draco. Soon I heard his voice, muttering an incantation.

"What is he doing?" I whispered to Blaise when Draco came into our vision.

"It looks like a vanishing cabinet." Blaise responded.

Draco spun on his heels.

"Who's there?" He yelled.

We ducked so he didn't see us, but I could see his face. His eyes were puffy and red.

"He's been crying Aurora." Blaise said to me. "You should just go talk to him and make everything right."

"No, he still wouldn't be honest with me." I said putting my arm to Blaise's chest for him to back up. 

"Let's go." I said and we left as quiet as we could.

When we got outside of the room I started to ask Blaise questions about what was going on.

"What exactly is a Vanishing Cabinet?" I asked.

"They got used a lot during the last wizarding war. DeathEaters could just step into them and disappear to another cabinet to evade Aurors." He told me.

My eyes widened.

"Draco's a DeathEater. Voldemort's given him a task." I said as we walked back to the common room.

"To do what?" Blaise asked.

I thought for a second.

"Probably to use that cabinet to let Voldemort in here to kill Potter or something." I said.

"You could be right." Blaise shrugged. "Draco probably didn't tell you because knowing would likely put you in danger."

I let out a small laugh.

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