Chapter 25; You have a What?

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Aurora's POV

"You have a what?" I managed to spit out to Draco.

He just nodded.

"I know, it took me a bit to take it in too." He said sitting down next to me on the bed.

"Uh.." Was all I managed to get out. I was so confused.

Draco sat with his elbows on his knees with his hands at his mouth staring at the wall.

"Well, um.. how old is she? Where is she?" I finally asked.

"She's twelve, uh, I was four when she was born. That's probably why I don't remember my mum being pregnant. Um, and she has been living in the United States with my grandparents and going to Ilvermorny for the past two years." Draco explained.

"It's strange before my parents told me, I had no memory of mum being pregnant but after they told me I swear I keep remembering bits and pieces from then." Draco told me.

"Wow." I said. "So why has she been in the States?"

"I know you really care for my father but this one.." He shook his head. "I can't believe this one.. they sent her to my grandparents when she was a few weeks old because he was ashamed to have more than just me for children. He thought he was only supposed to have one child.. and that one child be a son, to continue the Malfoy name. Father apparently changed his mind because he apparently regrets it now and with Voldemort gaining power again, he's afraid for her safety."

"Here I was thinking they were going to force you to become a deatheater and you just have a little sister." I said to him, everything sinking in.

"Well, I'm not 17 yet so there is still time for that." Draco rolled his eyes.

"So anyway, she's coming here this summer and starting at Hogwarts for her third year. Apparently when Mother would disappear for like a week at a time she was going to visit her."

"Wow." I said again. "I know I already said that but I'm really surprised. But hey this is kind of exciting right? A little sister?"

"Yeah, I suppose so." He snickered. "But I'm sure she'll like you more than me anyway. I mean look at how you and my mother got on."

"Oh stop, that won't happen. I feel like little sister's always look up to their big brother." I nudged his arm.

"I'm a big brother." He said perking his head up and looking at me, trying to hide a smile.

"Yeah you are." I said combing my fingers through his hair. "Better get used to teenage girl hormones and random rage." I laughed.

He laughed. 

"Yeah, I guess you're right. That'll be loads of fun. But you're the one I'm sending her to when she starts talking about boys and periods." He said. 

I watched him get uncomfortable and I couldn't stifle the laugh it caused.

"Well, I for one can't wait to meet her." I told him. "What is her name?" 

"Oh yeah I forgot to mention that key detail." He laughed. 

"Uh her name is Dracena." He told me.

"Dracena Malfoy." I repeated, peaking a smile. "That's so pretty."

"I'm sure mum picked it." He laughed.

"It sounds like something she'd pick." I nodded in agreement.

"Oh, um so now that you're all up to date about the craziness going on in my life." Draco said. "Mum wanted me to tell you that you're invited to come home with me for Summer Holiday for a couple of weeks so you can be there for my birthday and meet my.. sister." He said still confused over having a sister.

"Oh of course, I don't want to miss your birthday!" I told him.

We studied and did homework together for the majority of the day and went to dinner. Draco was hesitant to tell our friends about Dracena right away but I told him I didn't want to accidentally tell them when it wasn't my news to share so he decided to tell them at dinner.

Blaise was just as confused as I was when Draco told them.

Dylan got really excited about seeing a "mini female Draco" at school and she started trying to figure out what she might look like. 

Hope asked tons of questions, like I did trying to figure out how we were all almost 17 and there was no talk about Draco having a little sister. Sometimes I feel like she should have been a Ravenclaw with how smart she is and inquisitive.

"So what do you think about all of it?" Blaise asked me.

"I mean, I was surprised obviously but I'm kind of excited. Draco has a little sister, I just hope she likes me." I told him.

"Oh, I'm sure she will." Dylan told me.

"I look forward to meeting her." Hope said with a half mouthful of food."

We laughed.

"I know she'll love Rory." Draco started speaking while also stuffing his face with food. "She and my mum mesh together so well it's like I'm not even around. I can already imagine they'll all three be doing stuff together and leave me out." He laughed.

"Oh shut it, Draco." Hope interjected. "My younger sister is obsessed with my older brother, she's always looked up to him. Little sister's always love their older brother."

"That's exactly what Rory said." He chuckled.

"I bet her personality is nothing like the typical Malfoy persona." Dylan commented. "You know, growing up in the States and all."

"It'll be interesting that's for sure." Draco said.

A/N: This is a short chapter because I didn't really know how to shift the topic from Draco having a sister! 

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