Chapter 63; Aviana

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Aurora's POV

Once the bookcase completely slid open, I stood frozen with Draco standing next to me staring down the staircase.

"Mum." I whispered to myself.

I started to move forward but Draco caught my right hip with his right arm and moved me behind him.

"Would you just wait here for once?" He nearly begged, looking at me over his shoulder. "Just let me make sure it's safe."

I nodded and he started down the steps with his wand drawn. 

When he neared the bottom there was a flash of light and a bang against the wall behind Draco's head.

Someone was throwing defensive spells at him- that's when I realized we were both still in disguise and my mother probably didn't recognize Draco right off of the bat.

I started going down the steps as quickly as I could.

"Aviana!" Draco yelled her name trying to get her to stop. "It's Draco!"

"How did you get down here!" I heard her voice yell.

"Mother!" I yelled as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

I looked up to see my mum's face- that I didn't know that I'd ever see again.

"Mum, stop!" I yelled again, stepping in front of Draco. "It's me, Aurora!"

She looked at me like I was a stranger too and I remembered I had bright pink hair but her face softened at the sound of my voice and she lowered her wand.

"Aurora." She said and closed her eyes in relief. 

I ran to her as quickly as I could and reaching to hug her. Both of us relaxing as soon as we met, my head resting on her shoulder.

"You're so smart, my girl." She said to me. "I knew you'd find me."

"Are you okay? You aren't hurt or anything?" I asked leaning back to look at her.

"No, I'm fine. I'm fine." She assured me.

"Where's gran and grandpa?" I asked.

"I made them leave as soon as I got here, I knew they weren't safe." She told me. 

"They're- they're with the Order." She said.

"They're what?" Draco asked.

Both of our eye wide as saucers.

"Yeah, yeah. I knew they'd be safer on that side of the war." She nodded.

"I'm tired of this, I want out." She shook her head.

"How many people know that?" Draco asked.

"No one, just you." She said looking between us.

"And you're hoping we'll help you and protect you?" Draco said.

My mother's eye widened and she started to back away from me.

"You never wanted your loyalty to be towards Voldemort." She said to me. "Has that changed?"

"No, mother. It hasn't." I said, my tone cooling off significantly. "But you didn't protect me from Atlas when he attacked me in the home you raised me in and you stood next to me in that tattoo shop."

"Why should I protect you when you didn't protect Aurora?" Draco snapped.

I looked back at him and raised my hand to tell him to stop talking.

"He would have killed me." My mum told us. "And then what if he found the horcrux?"

"Think of the power he would have held with Voldemort, you'd both be dead." She said. "Aurora, I'm so sorry about you even having to see your father again- especially for that night, I relive it everyday and wish I could have stopped it but Narcissa was right. You are stronger than both of us."

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