Chapter 1: Did you hear?

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"Have your heard about who is coming back?" Students gossip huddled together in the courtyard.

"I wonder why she left." Hermione said to the boys, Ron and Harry.

"I heard she got kicked out of Beauxbatons and her mom even tried to get Durmstrang to let her in and even they wouldn't deal with her." Ron gossiped.

"Well Durmstrang is just for guys." Harry pointed out.

"Yeah but isn't that scary? Even a school of strong intimidating men don't want to deal with her?" Hermione said.

"Well Viktor Krum wasn't very intimidating last year was he, Hermione?" Harry teased Hermione.

Hermione rolled her eyes and turned to walk towards the Great Hall for the first dinner of the year at Hogwarts. The boys followed.

Gossip of the girl making her return to Hogwarts had the Great Hall buzzing. Everyone was talking about Aurora.

"We haven't seen her in four years!" Crabbe said to Goyle and Draco sitting down at the Slytherin table.

"Yeah. Draco, do you reckon she's hot now?" Goyle snickered.

"Who cares? She always acted like she was better than everyone." Draco growled.

"Oh, you're one to talk." Hermione remarked walking by.

"Mudblood." Draco mumbled.

"Not happy she's coming back, then?" Crabbe asked.

"I don't really care. As long as she stays out of my way." Draco snapped.

"ATTENTION" Dumbledore bellowed to get the student's attention.

Dumbledore rambled on about the usual rules and what is off limits to students on the grounds. The first years were sorted into their houses.

"Now, I know everyone has heard a special student is making her return to Hogwarts tonight..." 

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