Chapter 6: Difficult

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Draco's POV

I woke up in such a good mood, which was rare. I remembered everything that happened last night. Aurora is really amazing, I know she puts on this 'bad girl' image and acts like she doesn't care about anything but I know that isn't true. I think she cares for me, I want to know everything about her.

Maybe we really are meant to be together, like by fate not because we are Slytherin royalty. I can't wait to see her in class today.

I got up to start getting dress for class when Goyle interrupted my thoughts.

"So where did you go last night at dinner?" He asked me.

I didn't want to tell the guys Aurora and I were a thing yet. Not until it was official. Speaking of which I need to decide when I'm going to ask her. Will she want to spend time with me until I ask her? Or is she going to ignore me until I ask?

Goyle cleared his throat and snapped me out of his thoughts.

"Oh uh I just had a headache and wanted to go somewhere quiet." I told him.

"Really?" He skepticized. "Then why did Aurora get up after you left and followed you out?"

"I don't know Goyle. Maybe she had somewhere to go and was finished eating." I snapped.

He shrugged and walked to the other side of the room. I finished getting ready and asked if he was ready to go to potions class. We left to walk to Snape's classroom.

As we got to the bottom of the stairs to the common room I saw red hair walking out the door. I knew it was Aurora, I felt myself blushing. Then I heard some of the guys talking about her..

"Dude she is so hot. I'd do a lot of things to find out what's in Salazar Slytherin's great great great granddaughter's Chamber of Secrets." A seventh year said.

My hands were fists before I realized. My face felt hot, how dare they speak about her like this.

"Yeah. Draco don't you think Aurora is hot now?" Someone asked as I was walking towards to door.

"She's beautiful." I murmured. 

I realized normal cold Draco wouldn't be saying that about just any girl.

"Yeah, she's so hot." I replied louder and some of the guys nodded.

I wanted to rip their heads off for talking like Rory is a piece of meat.

Rory? Did I just come up with that? That's cuter than Ror, maybe she'll like that nickname.

We got to class and I found my seat next to the girl with red hair. There weren't a lot of people in class yet. I sat down and scooted my chair closer to her. She had her head in a book and didn't notice me.

I put my hand on her thigh and leaned into her hair and said "miss me?"

She blushed, closed her book and pressed her thighs together but not pushing my hand away.

"Oh, I would bet you missed me more." She said piercing me with her green eyes.

With no one looking at us because we sit in the back and Snape hadn't come in yet. I snuck a kiss on her cheek.

Snape entered the classroom, with his capes flailing behind him. So dramatic everyday. He made it to the front of the room and standing next to his desk got  funny look on his face. He bent over and picked up the shattered carcass that was once a lamp. 

"Who decided to break this this morning?" Snap asked looking around the room. 

I had to muffle a laugh and looked over at Aurora who was as red as could be and smiling.

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