Chapter 38; Help

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Aurora's POV

It has been a week since my father convinced me to join the Dark Lord. I try to scrub the Dark Mark off everyday but there it is, every morning. Just as dark and prominent as ever. I looked in the mirror at myself, at the tattoo. I put a hoodie on over it and then go irritated and ripped it off over my head. 

I just went downstairs in a t-shirt, since the whole house had them I don't see a reason in hiding it. I found my parents having lunch.

"Hey, Aurora. There's grilled cheese if you want some." My mother said.

"Yeah, I remember you like them." My father said coming around the corner.

"Wow, you remember what I liked to eat when I was three.. someone get the man a blue ribbon everybody." I said sarcastically. 

I put a sandwich in my plate and turned to my parents sitting at the table.

"You know what I remember?" I said walking over to them, putting a string of cheese in my mouth from the sandwich.

My father raised his eyebrows at me, waiting for me to finish what I was saying.

"I remember." I slammed the plate down on the table. "Me telling you that you were to leave the day I got this damn snake on my arm."

"Aurora, you need to calm down." My father said to me.

"I don't need to do anything." I snapped at him. "Except maybe, ask Lucius Malfoy to come pay a visit."

"You wouldn't do that." He said.

"Wouldn't I?" I taunted him.

"I already pledged my life to Voldemort, father. What do I have to worry myself about anymore? Don't challenge me. Because you'll lose." I said picking up my plate and walking to the stairs.

"Seriously," I turned again. "If you aren't gone by the time I finish this sandwich, you can expect a Malfoy to be here."

"AURORA" My father yelled, standing up from the table.

"This game you think you're playing with me, and think that you're winning.. I invented it." He walked towards me.

I was still above him because I was standing a few stairs above him.

"You better learn some respect not only for your father, but for your superior." He snarled. "Yeah, that snake on your arm makes me out rank you. I've been a part of this life for longer than you've existed, Aurora. I've let you keep your little game up, but all you're doing is digging your. own. grave." 

I smirked at him.

"I'll tell Lucius you said so." I turned to go up the stairs but I was thrown back into the wall.

"ATLAS" My mother screamed at him.

"She thinks she's a big bad DeathEater, already? It's time you learn, little girl." He said standing over me.

I tried to sit up, I put my hand on the back of my head.

My wand was in my bedroom so I couldn't fight back very well. I got to my feet as quickly as I could and lunged towards my father, shoving him with all of my weight behind it. I balled my hand into a fist a swung as hard as I could, hitting my father's nose. I felt it crack under my knuckles. His hands flew to his nose, he yelped in pain, blooded started to drip from beneath his fingers. He looked at me, nothing but rage filled his eyes. He moved one hand from his nose, reared back and slapped me across the face. I put my hand where it stung, the was blood coming from my cheek.

"Oh, you're no father of mine." I said to him backing up.

My mother stepped between us, keeping Atlas at bay. She looked over her shoulder at me.

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