☀︎︎ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗 ☀︎︎

406 30 5

•2 weeks later•

Jack has been m.i.a everywhere, social media, in Zach's life, even just at home. He's only left his room once, he's only showered once or twice, and he only eats if the guys bring him food.

Everyone has been worried about him, even the limelights were noticing that he was acting off. Zach tried to check on him, but he ended up getting pushed away.

Jonah walked up to Jack's room, carrying a small plate of spaghetti and meatballs for Jack's dinner, knowing that the boy never ate much. He gently knocked on the door before walking in. He walked over to Jack's bed and placed the plate on the side table.

"Thanks, Jo," Jack let out weakly.

"No problem Jack," Jonah replied with a soft smile. He was about to walk away, but then he sat back down. "Jack?"


"Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"I guess."

"What's going through your mind at this moment?" Jonah questioned.

"How fucked up I am," Jack mumbled, still staying cuddled into his pillow. Jonah frowned at the statement then rubbed Jack's back. "How terrible the world is, how I just want to give up on everything."

"No Jack, don't think like that. I know life is shitty right now, I know you're struggling. But things will get better. Zach already trusts you, you just need to put in the effort to go further with him," Jonah said softly.

"Easy for you to say, you already have Zach back."


"No! Don't you dare start to tell me shit like 'oh it'll be okay' or 'he'll remember you' because we both know that's not going to happen alright?! We both know that things will never be the same between me and Zach. Nothing is going to get better Jonah!" Jack shouted as he sat up. Jonah sat in shock, he didn't think Jack would burst like that. Tears ran down Jack's face, he felt so overwhelmed. "I'm so sorry Jobear."

Jack broke down into loud sobs. Jonah frowned then pulled Jack into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry, I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm like this," Jack cried into Jonah's chest.

"Shh Jack, it's okay. You're grieving, it's totally understandable," Jonah soothed. Jack nuzzled his face into Jonah's neck and sniffled. Jonah felt terrible, he couldn't do anything for his friend other than comfort him. Jonah secretly took out his phone and texted Zach.

Can you come over? Jack needs you.  We're
in his room

On my way

•10 minutes later•

Jack was still in Jonah's arms, Jonah was rocking him back and forth to calm him. Jack was almost asleep.

Zach quietly walked into the room and smiled at Jonah, who returned the smile.

'Switch' Jonah mouthed to the younger boy. Zach nodded and smiled. Jonah stood up while still supporting Jack's body. Zach quickly sat down on Jonah's place and allowed Jonah to place the sleepy boy onto his lap. Jonah smiled at Zach once more before leaving the room.

Zach placed a gentle kiss on Jack's forehead. He felt a connection with Jack, he felt safe around him.

Jack opened his eyes, panicking when he saw Zach.

"Hey hey hey, it's okay. You're okay," Zach soothed. He held the boy even tighter so he couldn't leave his arms. "You're okay, I'm right here."

Jack slowly calmed down then cuddled into Zach's chest. "Let's lay down."

Zach laid down then allowed Jack to lay on his chest. Zach ran his hand through Jack's hair, knowing that the boy was still confused. "I'm here because Jonah said you needed me."

"I don't need you," Jack complained, trying to show his 'independence'.

"Well, I need you," Zach replied in a hushed tone. Jack felt his stomach erupt with butterflies and his cheeks gained a warm, red tint. Jack smiled into Zach's chest, cuddling even closer to the boy. "I know you haven't realized it yet, but I trust you, a lot. Although I don't remember our past, I know you enough to know that you were important to me. I know that even now, you mean a lot to me."

"Thank you," Jack mumbled. Zach smiled as he continued rubbing Jack's back.

"Go back to sleep Jack, I can tell that you're tired," Zach whispered. Jack nodded then closed his eyes, Zach smiled and admired Jack.


Jonah walked into Jack's room to check on him, he smiled at the sight of the two boys sleeping. He pulled out his phone and took a photo, knowing that he would be thanked later by the pair.

He chuckled softly before leaving the room and closing the door behind him, allowing the boys to have their alone time.

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