☀︎︎ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 ☀︎︎

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Zach jolted awake only a few hours later. He sat up quickly and brought the bucket into his lap, immediately throwing up into it. Jack sat up beside the boy and rubbed his back. Tears began streaming down Zach's face as he puked.

"Shh baby, don't cry," Jack soothed. He placed a kiss on the back of Zach's head.

When Zach was finished, he took his head away from the bucket and grabbed a tissue to wipe his mouth with. "Are you okay baby?" Jack asked softly. Zach nodded. "Okay, I'm going to rinse out the bucket for you."

Jack grabbed the bucket and brought it to the bathroom. He dumped the puke into the toilet and flushed it, then he rinsed out the bucket in the sink before bringing it back to Zach. As soon as Jack sat down Zach leaned against him, just wanting comfort from him. Zach let out quiet cries into Jack's chest, as well as occasional whimpers of pain.

"How are you feeling bub?" Jack asked softly, holding the boy tightly.

"Not good," Zach answered quietly, his voice was slightly raspy due to the lack of using it.

"Oh baby, I wish I could do more for you," Jack said sadly.

"I know Jacky, I love you."

"I love you too my love."

"Can I go back to sleep?"

"Of course."

Jack and Zach laid back down underneath the covers, Zach laid his head on Jack's chest and smiled when Jack wrapped his arms around him. "Have a good sleep baby, I'll be right here when you wake up," Jack said softly, trying to soothe the boy to sleep. He continued rubbing Zach's back until he noticed he was asleep.

Jack stayed where he was for another 20 minutes until he got a FaceTime call from Myta. He answered it and pointed the phone at his face.

"Hey mom," Jack welcomed. He had grown so close to Myta that he always called her mom when he saw her.

"Hey, sweetheart. How's Zach?" Myta asked.

"Not too good, he has a super high fever and he threw up twice in the past few hours," Jack explained with a sigh.

"Aw, poor boy," Myta frowned.

"Yeah, for now, he's asleep, and I hope he can stay asleep for a while so his body can rest," Jack explained. He moved the camera to show Zach, who was cuddled into Jack's chest and was letting out soft snores.

"Aw, you guys are too cute. Thank you for taking care of him," Myta said softly.

"Yeah, of course, you know I'd do anything for him," Jack replied.

"I know honey. Well, I'll let you go so we don't wake Zach up. Text me updates."

"Will do, bye."

"Bye Jack."

Jack hung up the phone then Zach started squirming in his arms.

"Zach my love, are you awake?" Jack whispered.

"Mhm," Zach hummed. He stretched his body slightly then cuddled back into Jack. "What did my mom want?"

"She just wanted to check in on you, see how you're doing," Jack answered.

"Oh, ok," Zach mumbled. Jack smiled at the boy and rubbed his back underneath the hoodie he had on. Zach didn't puke as soon as he woke up so that's a good sign.

"How does your tummy feel love?" Jack asked.

"It's okay, it's not a sharp pain right now, just achy," Zach answered. Jack smiled and nodded. He then ran a hand through Zach's hair, feeling that it was sweaty.

Amnesia // JacharyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz