chapter forty six

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(We're just going to pretend the title is in the fancy font because I accidentally deleted the font app off of my phone and so now I can't use it)

•the next morning•

Zach woke up with Jack on his chest. Jack let out small breaths as Zach ran his fingers up and down his back.

After a few more minutes, Jack woke up. He let out a yawn and stretched his body before laying back on Zach.

"Good morning," Zach whispered.

"G'morning," Jack replied.

"How are you feeling bub?" Zach asked softly.

"I'm doing better," Jack replied. Zach kissed his forehead with a smile.

"I'm proud of you," Zach said softly.

"Thank you," Jack replied. "How's your arm? I never really checked on you about that, I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, it's okay. It still hurts and it feels kind of inflamed or something, but I'm fine."

"Sit up and show me," Jack said, getting off of Zach's chest and sitting up. Zach sat up and took off his shirt, allowing Jack to see it. Jack gently ran his hand over it, making Zach since slightly. "Sorry," Jack mumbled. He got out his phone and took a picture of it. "We'll just monitor it, let me know if the pain gets worse, okay?"

"Okay," Zach agreed. "I'm gonna have a shower, wanna join?"

"You know it," Jack replied with a smile. The two got out of bed and grabbed clean clothing from the closet. Zach grabbed two towels from the closet while Jack started the shower, allowing it to warm up before they got in. Jack turned on the fan in the bathroom so the mirror didn't steam up. Both boys got undressed and hopped into the shower.

Zach wet his hair and put shampoo in it before Jack did the same. As Zach was rinsing the shampoo out of his hair he heard quiet sniffles. He quickly opened his eyes and saw Jack wiping his tears away. Zach rinsed his hands off to remove the bubbles before pulling Jack into his arms. He held Jack close and let the taller boy cry into his shoulder.

"Shh love, it's okay," Zach whispered softly. Jack just held onto Zach tighter. Zach frowned and placed a few soft pecks on Jack's neck. He gently pulled Jack away from his body and smiled up at him sadly. He held Jack's face in his hands and gently caressed his cheek with his thumb. "Let's rinse our hair out then get out of the shower, because as much as I want to love and comfort you forever in here we shouldn't waste that much water."

Jack sadly chuckled and nodded in agreement. Zach quickly rinsed his hair out then helped Jack rinse his hair as well.

They quickly turned off the shower and exited, crying themselves off and changing into the change of clothes that Zach brought in for them. They went back into the bedroom and sat on the bed. Jack leaned against Zach and tucked his head into the younger's shirt.

"Do you want to go on a date with me? Tonight?" Jack asked softly. He pulled away from Zach and made eye contact with him.

"Yeah, that sounds really nice," Zach answered. He leaned forward and connected their foreheads. "I love you so much, I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Me too," Jack whispered. He gently pecked Zach's lips before they pulled away.

"How should I dress for the date?" Zach asked, knowing that Jack wouldn't tell him what the date was, but he could usually get the dress code.

"Somewhat formal," Jack answered.

"Okay, and what time should I be ready for?" Zach asked.


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