☀︎︎ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚏𝚒𝚟𝚎 ☀︎︎

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•a few hours later•

The couple woke up to quiet talking in the living room. Jack opened his eyes and saw that Jonah, Corbyn, Daniel, Eben, and Jon were all in the living room. He rubbed his eyes and stretched before checking to see if Zach was awake. Zach confirmed by humming softly.

"Let's sit up baby," Jack said. Zach nodded before getting off of Jack and sitting up. Jack sat up and Zach immediately cuddled into him. "What's happening?" Jack asked, confusion and tiredness obvious in his voice.

"A video of you guys in the park this morning got out, it was a video of a guy dumping his cup on you. I just came to check in and make sure you're doing okay," Jon explained. Jack smiled at him.

"Yeah, we're doing okay," Jack said.

"That's good. The video has gone pretty viral in the fandom, do you guys want to address it?" Jon asked.

"How have the fans reacted?"

"They've all come to your defence. They're all supportive and trying to help you guys out," Jon answered.

"Okay, we'll address it later," Jack explained. "Is that okay with you, bub?"

Zach nodded into his shoulder as his answer. Jack just smiled then ran his fingers through the younger boy's hair.

"Why does so much shit happen to us? Why can't we just be us in peace?" Zach groaned. Jack frowned at the boy, as his statement was very true.

"I know, bub, but you handle it so so well. I'm so proud of you. And if you want we can make our relationship more private, it's up to you," Jack offered.

"I don't think that will change anything, it'll only make the fans beg us for more content," Zach replied with a shrug. "I just wish there weren't homophobic people in the world."

"Me too, love."

Zach cuddled himself into Jack some more, craving the warmth that radiated off of the older boy.

"Someone's cuddly today," Jack mentioned.

"I just want to escape," Zach replied.

"What do you mean?"

"I just want to disappear from everything for a little while, no social media, no paparazzi, nothing. Just us," Zach sighed.

"I know, me too bubba."

•30 minutes later•

Jack and Zach were in their bedroom, Jack was about to go live on Instagram to address the incident. Jack sat on his desk chair while his phone was set up against a lamp. He went to the camera section then hit the live button. Zach was sat on a chair next to Jack, his legs lay on Jack's lap.

Quickly, about 3,000 people joined.

"Hey everyone," Jack welcomed. He waited for more people to join, and eventually, about 4,500 people were on. "I feel like every time I'm live we're addressing something," Jack sighed. "But here we go. Someone please screen record this and spread it, I want as many people as possible to get the message."

"As most of you have seen by now, Zach and I were out watching the sunrise together when a stranger came up to us and dumped his water onto us simply because we're gay. At first, I honestly thought it was because he knew who we were and he didn't like us, but as soon as I found out that it was simply because I love someone of the same gender, I was heartbroken. I remember just looking at Zach and seeing the heartbreak in his eyes. I don't know how much the video showed, but I was trying so damn hard to be respectful towards this man, even though I had every right to be pissed off and rude. Situations like this are what makes the lgbtq+ community scared, scared to come out, scared to be themselves, scared to just live like a human should. Zach and I were already nervous to come out to the world again, and this honestly just made it worse. Zach's been taking a break from social media for a little while now, and I think I will be too. I don't have the energy to put up with hate and discrimination all because of the person I choose to love. It just sucks that we can't even enjoy a fucking sunrise together because of homophobic assholes in the world." Jack paused because he was tearing up, he hated that he had to explain himself to the world, defend himself for loving the boy he loves. Zach held onto his hand tightly, rubbing back and forth.

"I just hope that people can learn from this and learn to understand and just learn to be a decent human," Zach said quietly. "I think we should end the live now, but thank you guys for joining and listening. See you soon."

Zach blew a kiss to the camera before ending the live and turning off Jack's phone. He turned and straddled Jack's lap. Jack was stressed, he was panicking, anyone could figure that out.

"Jacky, bubba, it's okay," Zach said softly, placing a soft kiss on Jack's forehead.

"It was a fucking sunrise Zach, we were trying to watch the fucking sun," Jack cried. He brought his hands up to cover his face, he hated crying in front of Zach. Zach decided to just let Jack get all of his emotions out before trying to get him to talk.

Jack wiped his tears and glanced at Zach before looking at his hands again. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to cry in front of you."

"Jacky, you are entitled to any and every emotion that you have. It doesn't make you any less 'manly' or 'strong' for showing emotions," Zach said gently, holding Jack's hands in his own. "I love you no matter what."

"I love you too," Jack replied. Zach smiled before hugging Jack tightly. Jack's arms wrapped around Zach's waist while Zach's were around the curly haired boy's neck.

"We'll get through it, we always do."

Zach was right, they could get through anything.

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