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Germany swirled his toes around in the cool, chlorinated water of Finland's pool. He watched tiny bubbles rise to the surface and pop as he kicked his feet lazily in the water. The German pushed his dark black hair back and cocked his head slightly to steal a glance at the Finlander country sitting behind him. Finland was breathing softly, his defined muscles falling slightly with every exhale. His white hair was tousled and unruly, but Germany liked it that way. Germany turned his head back towards the pool and pouted, wishing that Finland would join him in the water.

Finland rested the back of his head against his palms and drew a deep breath into his lungs. He loved doing this with Germany. He loved to watch Germany grow restless from the lack of attention. He loved the desperate pleas that Germany would whimper to him. And he loved the way the German would whine and cry into his chest when he finally got a hug. He crossed his outstretched legs at the ankles and waited for Germany to make his move.

Germany could feel himself growing antsy for Finland. He bent down and drew spirals in the water with his index finger, trying to ignore the feeling of abandonment that had started gnawing at him. Germany pulled his finger from the water and brought the pad of his thumb to his crooked bottom teeth. He chewed on his thumb as he felt the loneliness crash over his being like a wave. Germany brought his feet out of the pool and drew them to his chest with his arms, staining the dry concrete with a few drops of water. His breathing hitched as his mind raced with thoughts of losing Finland.

Finland watched as Germany rose from the poolside. The corners of his mouth turned up slightly as he watched the German scamper towards him. Germany dropped down near Finland's feet and mewled unhappily, his eyebrows drawn together. Finland stayed still, letting Germany stew uncomfortably at his feet. He could feel Germany radiating discomfort and loneliness. It was usually at this point that Finland gave in and cuddled the cute country. Germany released a particularly sad whimper, and Finland finally got up from his seat.

Germany stood up quickly with a yelp. "Finnland!" He shouted, reaching out and squeezing his fingers around Finland's bicep.

Finland grabbed Germany's wrists and pried Germany's hands off of his arm. "Sit down, kitten," Finland commanded in a low growl. He released Germany's wrists and watched proudly as Germany's face turned bright red. Finland felt pure power course through his veins. Germany was in his control.

Germany laid back in the lounge chair and pressed his shoulders back, his mind racing with dirty, sinful thoughs. He felt heat pooling in his lower stomach. Damn, Finland hadn't even touched him yet. Germany felt the heat rising to slowly his cheeks. "Scheiße nochmal, Finnland! Do something!" He whispered as his erection throbbed painfully.

Finland brought himself between Germany's knees and grinned. Germany began to yank down his trunks impatiently, wanting to free his painfully stiff member. Finland grabbed Germany's wrists and squeezed, staring Germany in the eye as the German country moaned and bit his lip. Finland released Germany's wrists, admiring the small indents his fingernails had left, and bit his own bottom lip, wondering what he should do next.

Germany suppressed a moan as Finland pressed his fingers slowly around the German's stomach, attempting to find Germany's hip bones. When he found them, he gripped them with his fingers and ran his thumbs up and down Germany's happy trail. Germany tilted his head back and bucked his hips slightly, wishing that his dick was in Finland's mouth.

Finland pressed his elbows firmly down into Germany's thighs to keep him from thrusting. Finland leaned down and pressed his face into Germany's lower stomach. Germany groaned and gripped Finland's hair as the Finlander kissed his stomach again, and again, and again. Finland sucked at a spot on Germany's tummy, and Germany moaned louder. Germany writhed underneath Finland, and his boner unintentionally prodded at Finland's chin through the fabric. Finally, Finland lifted his face from Germany's stomach and admired the dozens of darkening hickeys he had left.

"Bitte Finnland, bitte," Germany begged. Finland looked up into the younger country's eyes and stared him down.

"What, kitten?"

"You know damn well what I want!" Germany mewled angrily. Finland just shrugged and brought his face back down to Germany's stomach. Germany groaned, infuriated at Finland for playing dumb.

Finland pushed his tongue against Germany's navel and pressed his lips around it. Germany bucked his hips into Finland's chest at the unexpected sensation and squeaked as his member pressed against his lover's chest. Germany ran his hands through Finland's hair and held the older country's head down, willing him to continue tonguing his navel.

Finland's front teeth brushed against Germany's navel, driving a frustrated moan out of the German. Finally, Finland lifted his right hand from Germany's hip and began to palm the German's length through the tented fabric. "God, would you just blow me already, Finland?" Germany begged, shoving the Finlander's head down further.

Finland raised his head and grinned. "I thought you would never ask," He laughed and pressed a last kiss to Germany's navel. Finland loved to push Germany to the point where he was absolutely livid. Frustration always made finishing better, at least for Finland. The older country felt himself hardening as well, but there was no way in hell he was going to give Germany the satisfaction of knowing.

Finland gripped Germany's waistband and pulled it down, allowing Germany's member to spring free. He ran his fingers along the underside of the curvature and flitted the pad of his thumb over the tip. "God, I want you so bad," Finland moaned, causing the German to throw his head back and moan. He grinned as he felt Germany tense his muscles in anticipation.

Germany inhaled sharply as Finland finally took him into his mouth. Germany bucked his hips as Finland pressed his palms to Germany's thighs, bobbing his head with Germany's thrusts. Germany writhed in arousal as Finland's tongue pressed against the slit. The German felt the heat in his stomach growing less and less bearable as Finland continued. Germany threw his head back and clutched Finland's hair, groaning loudly enough to wake the neighbors.

Finland could tell that Germany was getting close, and decided that he would let the German finish in his mouth. He'd teased him enough, and besides, he needed to work on his gag reflex. Finland bobbed his head quicker and felt the head hitting the back of his throat. He did everything in his power to stop himself from gagging as he took Germany in all the way. His lips pressed all the way down to the base of Germany's cock. Germany cussed and pressed Finland's head lower as he released, his erection twitching violently in orgasm. Finland winced and rolled his eyes back into his head as Germany's hot seed shot down his throat.

Germany slackened his grip on Finland's hair, letting Finland pull his head up. Finland jerked up and twisted his upper body to the side as he heaved. He coughed and gagged, drooling the German's potent semen. Germany fell back into the lounge chair, breathing heavily, and watched as Finland spit the remainder of his seed into the grass. "That was the best one you've given me in a while, you know," Germany breathed. He folded his hands over his stomach and shut his eyes as he exhaled.

"Thanks," Finland coughed, trying to regain his composure. The last time he'd taken Germany that deep, he'd almost thrown up. He wasn't really the best at blowjobs--the German was far better at them than he was. Finland paused and began breathing steadily once again, wiping the remaining cum off of his chin.

"Get up here, Darling." Germany sighed. Finland crawled lazily up onto Germany and laid beside him with an exasperated groan. Germany curled around Finland, letting the Finlander be the little spoon for once. "Liebe dich, Finnland," he whispered into his lover's ear.


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