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Picture at the top is not mine.

It's, quite possibly, the cutest thing America has ever seen Germany do.

"Oh. Oh my god. Germany, this is the cutest thing you've ever done. You look adorable!" America cooes excitedly, cupping Germany's cheeks and grinning at him. Germany can only wryly twist his mouth into a shy smile and giggle at what he says. He's giggling because of America. He's such a lovesick sap.

"Ich not that cute, America." He shakes his head.

"Germany, you literally look like a little puppy. That's pretty damn adorable. Look at you!" He squeals.

Germany's got a black triangle on the tip of his nose, a thin black line leading down to the top of his lip, black spots adorning his face above his mouth. He has a matching headband with ears, and even a tail attached to the belt loop on the back of his jeans.

"I guess it's alright." Germany chuckles, smile melting into something soft when he looks up at America, who's got nothing but adoration in his eyes. It makes his chest swell with love and he feels his heart stutter. He's never been so sure that someone loves him until America had shown him.

America returns his hands to Germany's face, circles a thumb over his cheek and exhales, never having been more content than when he was with him. And Germany, he knew, felt the same. His hands came to rest on America's own, fingers curling gently around the outside of his thumbs and resting in his palms.

"Really, you are so, so beautiful. You're so breathtakingly gorgeous and it's- I can't believe you're mine. Every time I look at you it's like my world has slowed down. You keep me anchored, and without you I don't think I would ever be close to this happy. I love you, Germany, every single little inch."

He can see the astonishment on Germany's face, the way his eyes shine wetly and how his hands grip America's a little tighter. So he continues,

"I love you for your black hairs, for your teeth even if you hate them, and your cute little nose,"

He presses a gentle kiss to his lover's forehead, wanting to put as much love into his actions and words as he can.

"I love you for your adorable accent, your slim figure no matter how much you might not like it. Your hands, I know how much feeling you put into your touches, even the small ones."

Germany's struggling not to cry now, they both are, eyes wet and mouths smiling wide.

"Your energy, god I wish I had half of the amount you do sometimes.The way you laugh, it's so contagious. It's so amazing all on it's own and I love that I get to hear it every day. And- and you always seem to know what to say. No matter what."

America sighs, cheeks starting to hurt from how much he's smiling.

"The list could go on for ages. But to sum it up, I love every," he punctuates it with a kiss every word. "Single," a peck to the forehead. "Thing," Another to one cheek. "About," And again, to the other. "You." He presses their lips together, gentle and loving and so happy all at once.

They're both crying now, no denying it. Germany, admittedly more than America for obvious reasons. Tears stream down his face and he knows he's the luckiest country alive to have Anerica. They're both laughing and gasping and gripping each other close; Germany doesn't want to let go.

"I love you, I love you, I love you, so fuckin' much. God, you're so amazing." Germany breathes.

"We're such a mess."

"We are. But we're the good kind of mess." Germany confirms, lip quirking upwards.

"And now that we're less of a mess, should I get changed so we aren't late?"

"Shit, yeah- go get dressed you doof."

America turns and the German lands a playful slap on his ass as he goes, relishing in his squawk of surprise. Germany shakes his head, absolutely smitten with this country, and absolutely okay with it.

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