🇪🇺Storms at Home🇩🇪

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Picture at the top is not mine.

I've never written anything like that, so of the two.
Is new territory even for me.
I hope you like it.
Bye: UserExeNotFound
Dark, ominous clouds covered the sky. With little lighting, the small apartment EU and Germany shared appeared to be monochromic. Even the usual busy Berliner streets seemed quiet and slow as the oncoming storm approached. The sidewalks that usually were filled with various people now seemed as deserted, with only two people at the most walking outside.
Inside, Germany sat at his laptop in the living room trying to finish his work. His nerves unsettled, his fingers tapping away the beige couch. He set the laptop aside as he paced from room to room, occasionally stopping to run his hand through his raven hair. Germany sighed as he stopped in their kitchen to drink a glass of water, hoping to calm his nerves.

'shit, EU said he'd be home by now.' Germany thought as returned to his seat on the couch. He looked past his shoulder to see the buildings overlooking their apartment. Their balcony window decorated with small drops of rainwater. The city street under them already damp. Germany rubbed his temples, hoping to put his fears to rest.

From the sky came a near ear deafening crack of thunder. The noise echoed the city as Germany jumped. Out of shock, he looked outside their window again to see a strike of lightning meet with the earth. Germany jumped back, cursing as he held onto the back of the couch for support.

"Get it together. You're not some scared kleiner Junge, Deutschland." he repeated to himself as he returned to his seat to continue working. Trying to focus on his work instead of the storm outside. Germany found his fingers shaking slightly as he noticed the rain outside now hitting the building harder. The claps of thunder made him check behind him. Germany set his laptop aside again as he held the bridge of his nose in his fingers.

Germany's mind went back to his teenage days, running to Austria house when the first sign of a storm showed and he was alone. He remembered the way Austria would rub his back as they hid away in Austria's bathroom, the storm raging outside. The hushed whispers of reassurance and rolls of thunder shaking the ground underneath them.

Germany grabbed his laptop before he heard it. The click of electronics dying, the click of the lights going out, the final whirling noise of the A.C. dying. The power died with little noise, leaving only Germany and his beating heart. He gasped as he wiped the sweat from his brow. Using the light from his laptop, he ran to their bedroom.

EU quickly made his way into the apartment building's stairway. His steps swift, hoping Germany wasn't too frightened. It wasn't Germany's first time experiencing a storm at home with EU. He remembered the night Germany had admitted his fear when they started dating, the way his voice carried a tone of shame. EU kissed Germany's forehead that night as his way of understanding him. Now, here he was, almost 6 floors away from his alone and terrified boyfriend.

Once finally reaching their door, EU fumbled with the apartment's keys. The frustration only contributing to his anxiety about Germany. Once inside, EU removed his jacket and called out for Germany. His heavy footsteps circled the dark apartment. From outside came another roar of thunder. The vibrations from the volume made Germany curse aloud again.

"Scheiße!" he yelled, his voice shaky and low.
EU quickly made his way into the bedroom, ignoring the darkness. Once he could make out the shape of their bed, EU reached out to touch the other's ankle. Germany pulled away from EU in fear.

"Ssh, it's okay. It's me." EU whispered softly as the dim light of Germany's laptop reflected against his face.

"What took you so long? You say it'd be only an hour." Germany asked, his voice hoarse.

"I'm really sorry, babe. I swear, the meeting went on longer because some douchebag wanted to take his time talking about shit" EU sighed, moving closer to grab the other's wrist, "Are you alright?"

Germany shook his head. The rain outside now louder than ever. EU sat up as he walked to the other room. "Stay there, I'll be back!"

Germany sat up against the headboard of their bed. The cool pillows giving him a bit of comfort. The opening of cabinets and EU's footsteps set him at ease for a while. He was a lot more comfortable with EU around, his nerves settling. He saw EU appear in the doorway of their bedroom, holding his laptop, a disc, and a bundle of battery operated string lights in his hands. The lightning outside contributed little light to the room as EU worked to arrange the lights around the large bedroom.

Germany sat, watching as EU worked with practiced ease. Once finished, Germany smiled as EU turned the lights on, the room being swallowed in soft yellow lighting. The small bulbs of light set Germany at ease, taking his mind away from the intense rain and thunder awaiting outside. EU made his way to Germany, lifting the comforter off their bed and from under Germany. Settling next to him, EU covered Germany and himself in the warm comforter. EU laughed quietly as Germany shot him a relieved smile. The storm outside seemed so out of place compared to the calm and quiet the two shared. The intensity of the storm, the one thing Germany feared, brought them in the quiet of their bedroom cuddling.
EU laughed at the irony before bringing his laptop closer.

"Wanna watch a movie? I don't know how long this is gonna last so..."

Germany nodded, his golden eyes contrasting with the soft glow of the room.

"What are we watching?"

"Finde Nemo."

Germany punched EU's arm teasingly, the other laughing.

"I'm kidding! It's Pacific Rim!"

"Better be anything BUT Finde Nemo.Ich bin kein Kind mehr " Germany groaned from under his small fort of pillows he made for them.

"Shut it, you big baby." EU smiled. Laying back, he rested the laptop between them. He enjoyed the warmth of Germany's body, the way Germany's bright golden eyes watched the screen, the way his cold hands held onto EU's chest. Just everything about him made EU smiled.
Leaning down, he kissed Germany's forehead. Germany smiled as he sat up, kissing EU back. The two laughing in between kisses before returning to the movie.

Neither of them had stayed awake through the movie, nor to watch the power come back on. Instead, they laid there in the comfort and warmth of each other under the glow of the lights and soft pillows. The rain outside falling softly against the windows. The thunder rolling away. The world outside regaining color slowly as the night sky appeared behind the dark clouds.

Countryhumans Germany ships oneshots Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon