Spezial Story: 🇩🇪Vampire In Love🇺🇸

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Most Readers went to Vampire in Love. So it's first an Ameger ship. Suprise !!
And second, I'm already sorry for bad grammar.

picture at the top is not mine
It belong to @_jy.eng from Instagram

Others wanted Break Me.
Maybe I'll do that story too.

So yeah have fun with the story. 《《《🇩🇪Vampire In Love🇺🇸 》》》
It was about 9 in the morning, America had just gotten up when he smelled it. Blood. Germanys blood. Germany his best friend and housemate, they'd met through work, and one day about a month ago Germany decided he wanted to move away from his old house because of all the bad memories. So America invited the German to live with him for a bit to see if he'd like living here and although America loved him like a brother, the black haired country living there was testing the American country's strength. See America is a vampire, trust me I know how ridiculous it sounds, it took Germany walking in on him drinking a bloodbag to believe it. But once he told him which was about a week after Germany had moved in he was cool with it the down side was any time Germany even gets a paper cut America have to leave the room as to not jump him. America doesn't drink from people or countrys by the way, and had never felt the urge to that until he meet Germany. America has a friend who works in the hospital and he gets blood whenever he needs it. But the thought of Germany's blood running down his throat and around his tongue and the smell of his blood. The thought is enough to make the white and red haired country salivate and cum all at once. But Germany has to be hurt, that's all he can think about right now, every time America smelt his blood it's only been in the same room. He was upstairs so if he was smelling his best friends blood it meant he was hurt, so America flung himself out of bed not even bothering to put a shirt on. He even flew down the stairs 2 steps at a time.

"Germany!" he called loudly once he reached the bottom wooden step. The smell was stronger towards the kitchen. So he ran in panting, "Are you alri-"
He was cut off by a very cheery "Guten Morgen how'd ya sleep?" Germany's back was turned to towards America and all his attention was on the stove. The table was set with two empty plates and a coffee cup filled with tea.
"Fine," America responded slowly, "are you okay, you didn't accidently cut yourself on any thing did you?" He was trying to keep his voice level but the smell of Germany's blood was so strong his mouth started watering. His friend stopped cooking and turned to face America.

"Nein, actually I'm fine, but you can smell my Blut can't ya?" he was smirking at America 'what the hell' the American country thought, 'how does he know' he haden't told Germany what his blood does to him.

"America I've seen how you get. You have to leave the room when all I do is prick my finger. I've handed you a blood bag and you drink it slowly like I would drink a glass of water but the second it's my blood you look like you've been starved for years. Why?" America didn't think he'd picked up on it. But he was not about to explain to his best friend that they were soul mates which for some god unknown reason made his blood like a drug to the young vampire. There was no way he could tell the younger country the truth, so America thought lying to him would be better.

"It's because you're my best friend," He came up with quickly. "people who tend to be closer to a vampire aka best friends, siblings, parents their blood smells stronger. It's like a way for us to keep our family safe, if you're blood is too strong it means your hurt so we can come find you," he'd looked at the table the whole time as if he was ashamed but he lifted his head after he'd finished and looked his best friend in the eyes. "So you wanna tell me why it's strong enough that I thought you were hurt?" Germany looked at him for a second before turning back around and picked up a coffee mug that had been sitting next to the stove. He walked over with it placing it in front of America and taking a seat right next to the older country. America looked down at the cup to see a thick red liquid slosh around.

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