🇺🇸Sleepy Time Cuddles🇩🇪

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So it's a little short but do not worry I'm still working on a longer story from the two so no worries.

Picture at the top is not mine.

America sat on the couch softly petting Germany's dog Bella, soft fur. America sighed, he looked at his boyfriend who was sat at the table across from him working on an 'important thing', or so he called it.

"Germany, baby you've been working for hours you need to sleep." He picked up his phone and turned it on showing in big numbers 1:45AM. Germany let out a long sign and rubbed his eyes.

"Aber Amerika I need to get this done!" He exclaimed. America crossed his arms and gave Germany an annoyed look.

"The only thing you NEED to do is close your laptop, and come snuggle with me and your daughter." America scooched closer to Germany and opened his arms as Bella placed her head on his shoulder. Germany just snickered.

"Oh so Bella is my daughter?" Germany began to giggle which lead to America giggling as well, and soon enough they were both laughing loudly sounding like lunatics. Once the laughing began to die down Germany let out a yawn. America looked at him and gave him a look.

"Okay I think that's sign enough for you to get over here." America extended out his arms and pulled Germany into his lap and began playing with his hair. Germany let out a content sign and leaned his head into the crook of Americas neck. America began to softly hum as he saw Germany slowly start to doze off. Once Germany completely fell asleep America moved slightly and pressed a soft kiss on his forehead.

"Do you think I should carry him to bed Bella?" America looked over to Bella and let out a chuckle when he saw that she was asleep as well. America slowly put his head in Germany's neck and let sleep takeover with a small grin on his face.

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