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Picture at the top is not mine.
Germany wasn't having a nice day.

Earlier today he had taken one hell of a test that he was pretty sure he aced (but only because he spent the last three days staying up and studying for it). He was tired, hasn't sleep well in the last few days, but he couldn't rest yet. His boss (he worked as a part timer in an Café) had called him, saying that he didn't have anyone else to attend the Café and Germany, that needed the money to pay college, agreed to go work.

When he arrived to his shared apartment late night he didn't find his roommate. He sighed, because that meant he had to cook because America probably hadn't cooked anything. Going to the kitchen, he saw a post-it note on the fridge.

"Hey Germs, I'm gonna go out with South Korea for a bit, I'll come back with food soon. :D" Written in Chicken scratch. Germany sighed, wondering how soon was America's soon. He loved the country, really, he did, but sometimes the loud bastard was too crazy for their own good ('their' being Germany, Ame himself, SK and all their friends). It was a crush that was going for far too long, but he didn't have the guts to do anything about it.

He rubbed his eyes tiredly, feeling hungry but not feeling like cooking. He headed towards the couch, laid down and before he knew it Morpheus paid him a visit.

A cold hand against his forehead woke Germany from his slumber.

He flinched slightly at the sensation before grumbling and leaning away from the hand.

"Dude, you're burning up..." A faint voice cut through his hazy mind. He opened his eyes, squinting at the light and groaning at the light headache he was feeling.

"Was..." Germany mumbled. The blurry person before him chuckled before leaving his side, walking away towards some other place. Faint noises filled the silent apartment, hushed voices, small thuds and splashes, muttered curses, pans banging against each other...

Germany closed his eyes again, sighing. He felt like shit. His head was all heavy and fuzzy and foggy and he couldn't think straight. His body felt heavy too, sluggish, hot. God it was hot. He groaned again, shivering when he felt the temperature drop suddenly. What the...

"Germany, here put this on your head..." A wet cloth was put on his forehead, refreshing him. He sighed at the feeling before shivering once again. He opened his golden eyes, managing to focus them on the person before him. Blue eyes stared worriedly at him as a mouth turned down in a frown. When America noticed he was staring at him, he gave Germany a shaky smile.

"Hey," he told him. Germany mumbled a 'hi' back. America chuckled. "I bet you hope you had a better nurse."

"You bet..." Germany muttered, managing a small smile that made America crackle with laughter.

"You look so bad man! Stop it!" Germany closed his eyes, groaning.

"Mein Kopf hurts..."

"Don't worry, I'll give you some painkillers. But you have to wait until the soup is done." Germany groaned once again, unknowingly making America smile slightly.

"Just keep the iced pad on your head, SK said it'll help."

"South Korea...?" Germany managed to snatch from the sentence. Ame 'yup'ed.

"I called him a little while ago, when you were just waking up. Guess you didn't hear me talking to him." America chuckled and Germany frowned because he HADN'T heard him...

He must be really sick.

"I'll get you a blanket, maybe some socks-oh I know!" With those excited words, the hurricane that was America left the room. Germany sighed, trying to get up. He needed to check up on the soup America was making or else the kitchen might be in danger. It had happened before.

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