🇷🇺Make me yours🇩🇪

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Picture at the top is not mine

《Fluff/Alpha&Omega/little smut》

Germany had been staring at Russia for the past ten minutes as the alpha had concentratedly fiddled with the smoking toaster. He'd awoken to the blaring fire alarm, stumbling out of his bed and scampering out to the kitchen to where his roommate was crashing around. He made it there as soon as Russ had managed to smack the button on the little device on the roof, silencing it and leaving just ringing in their ears.

When Germany had demanded to know what caused the disaster, Russia had pursed his lips and turned his red face away. He grumbled out something about making breakfast before turning to the smoking toaster and yanking the plug from the socket.

"Go back to bed," the alpha muttered as he shoved a knife into the device. Germany flinched, knowing the basic rule of messing with electrical devices in the kitchen. His roommate clearly didn't care, tongue peeking out over his bottom lip as he wriggled the knife around and tried to get whatever he'd been trying to toast out of the machine.

Germany didn't listen, resting his heavy head on his hand as he examined the face of concentration his best friend wore. "How did you manage to cook the toaster," he asked, eyes wandering the crazy tangle of hair Russia had atop his head. The white locks were longer than he'd usually let them grow; the alpha had been so busy all month he hadn't had time to get it cut back.

It wasn't often Germany got to see it so, little tangles and pieces of hair sticking up in the air without care from gravity. Russia didn't seem to care for it either as he growled menacingly at the toaster in his arms. "It got- got jammed or somethin'," he murmured, deeply focused as a piece of his hair flopped down in front of his face.

He didn't notice it and Germany smiled as he watched the strands sway before the alpha's eyes.

"Трахни тебя' toaster trying to ruin Russia's morning..." he slurred, ignoring Germany's giggle of amusement as he lifted the toaster and shook it violently upside down. "Get out!" he yelled at it, banging it on the side of the counter. He didn't care for the mess of crumbs falling to the floor though Germany cringed at the thought of cleaning up afterwards. He knew Russia would try and clean but the alpha was never really as precise as the omega when it came to keeping things tidy.

At long last, a chunk of charcoaled bread clunked its way out of the toaster and fell to the bench. "Ah-hah!" the alpha announced, pouncing on the ruined food and clutching it in his fingers. "Fuck you!" The insult directed at a piece of ruined bread was simply ridiculous and Germany couldn't help his grin. Russia had always been a little bit on the odd side and to be plain; Germany loved that about him.

"What were you trying to make, anyway?" he asked, drawing Russia's attention to him and laughing at the surprise in his eyes. The alpha must have briefly forgotten the country was even there, and at his blink of realisation he spun around and hid the charcoaled bread from Germany's sight.

"N-nothing!" he claimed, hurrying to the bin to throw it away. "I was just- I got hungry!" The lie was the opposite of discrete but Germany just rolled his eyes as he hopped off his seat to drag his sleepy body around the counter.

"Russ?" he asked, resting a hand on Russia's arm as the alpha started trying to air the smoke out of the room with a tea towel. Ruby eyes dropped to him in confusion and Germany couldn't help his snickering as Russia's hair fell back over his forehead in a dorky-looking fringe. "Your hair's a mess," he said, reaching both hands up to sink his fingers into the mess of Russia's white hair.

Instantly, hands began swatting at his wrists, Russia backing out of the omega's reach as he spluttered with red cheeks. "Stop that! I don't- You think you're my- my hairdresser!?" he exclaimed, flattening the bird's nest atop his head in his embarrassment. Germany only laughed, trotting after the alpha who hurriedly fled the kitchen to get away from the pesky omega. "Stay back, you- you-!"

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