🇩🇪At Least My Doctor is Hot🇨🇦

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I'm back again. I'm sorry you all had to wait. It's hard times not only for me but for everyone. My journeyman's exam is coming up soon and is an important part of my life. but I've already prescribed some stories in my spare time. So you wouldn't have to wait for an update.

I hope you still like my stories despite the long wait.


picture at the top is not mine

《《New AU》》
《《 Part 1/2 》》

Canada got injured while on the job, but hey at least his doctor is hot.


Of all the ways Canada could get injured on his job, why did it have to be a fucking hula hoop? As a police officer, Canada encountered dangers every single day. Armed robbers, speeding drunks, and crazy homeless people that offered him "candy". Well maybe his job wasn't as eventful as you would expect, but it was still humiliating to be brought down by a hula hoop.

A call came in about a domestic disturbance around 11 p.m., which happened to be a half hour before Canada's shift ended. If you asked him now, he would blame the excitement of going home for the "incident".

After a brief complaining session, Canada and his partner, Mexico, were sent to check it out and calm the situation. Upon arriving it became obvious that it was a couple fighting. Blah blah blah "You cheated!", "You cheated first!", and other such nonsense.

"I think I've got this one if you just want to hang out in the car, Mexico." Canada said with an indifferent attitude. "Nah, I'll follow behind in just a minute. I need to fix my shoe." Mexico replied.

"How old are you? Five?" Canada asked sarcastically.

"Just go break up the fight, jerk." Mexico said throwing a glare.

With that, Canada began his march to the house, blissfully unaware of the fate awaiting him.

As Canada climbed the stairs to the front porch, he took note of the copious amounts of kid's toys around. He tightened his jaw and prepared to knock knowing that he would probably have to take care of a neglected kid stuck in the middle of a hateful relationship.

Knock knock knock.

He banged on the door. Before he had a chance to tell who he was, the yelling stopped abruptly and the door was swung open roughly.

"WHAT?" asked an angry woman with tear stains down her face.

"Hello ma'am, I'm with the police department," he said flashing his badge,"we received a call earlier tonight complaining of a fight going on?" He continued flashing his most charming smile.

"I'm sorry Officer, I wouldn't be yelling IF MY HUSBAND WASN'T A CHEATING ASSHOLE!" she started screaming accusingly.

"Okay! Okay, please settle down, ma'am. I'm here to help, but first I need to know, is there a child in your house currently?" Canada said frantically trying to calm the hysterical woman.

"I wouldn't make my child sit through this." the woman said, obviously offended. Canada breathed a sigh of relief knowing he didn't have to see another traumatized kid tonight. Mexico suddenly appeared behind him.

"Hello ma'am, I'm Officer Ciudad de México. How about we get you a glass of water for your throat while my partner goes to get your husband?" Mexico said soothingly.

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