🇺🇸Deep In The Forest🇩🇪

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Picture at the top is not mine.
I wanted to try something new.
A Witch Au.
So tell me if it's not so good.
Germany sighs as he leans his head back against the rough bark of the tree he’s currently perched in. It had been a long week and he wished for nothing more than a quiet, peaceful evening. He could hear the sounds of crickets chirping as the moons rays soaked into his skin. A loud snap echoed throughout his forest, making his eyes fly open. Normally, he wouldn’t have paid attention to a branch snapping, he would have thought it was perhaps a deer or maybe even a bear. This was different, however. He could feel something was off, that something was in his forest that shouldn’t be. He let out a sigh as he swings his right leg over the branch, preparing to jump down into the leaf covered forest floor.

Humans should know by now to stay out of here, I’ve made that very clear. He thought, jumping down without making a single noise.

He squats down onto the ground and closes his eyes, mentally mapping out the entire forest. The snapping noise came from the west but there’s a giant, fast moving river with sharp, body tearing rocks all over in it that lies between this forest and the small town. There’s no way anyone could survive going across that. Unless it was another witch… He shook his head, immediately stopping his train of thought. Don’t be ridiculous, it’s just some lost human. Go help them, they probably need it.

He feels his eyebrows furrow as he concentrates on a spot near the river. A tingle slowly makes its way throughout his body as he concentrated on where the noise came from. The tingle builds until his whole body feels like it's vibrating. Suddenly a jolt of energy bursts throughout him, causing his eyes to snap open. He blinks as his eyes adjust to his new surroundings. He was still in the forest but now he could hear the roaring river that was just beyond the bushes he's in. The odd energy he felt earlier was much more intense now, causing goosebumps to form on his arms.

"Hello there." A deep voice said behind him.

He stood up and whirled around, only stop to freeze as his bright golden eyes met a pair of Soft blue eyes. He tore his eyes away and took a step back, letting out a gasp as his foot caught on a root and he began to fall down. However, instead of being met with the hard ground, he felt a pair of warm arms wrap around.

“Careful there, the forest can be a dangerous place.” The white red striped haired Country said, smirking as Germany shoved him away.

“I know that! This is my forest, I know everything about it.”

The Country raises one of his eyebrows as he snorts, “Your forest? You own this lovely place? I thought a terrifying witch did.”

Germany felt his cheeks turn a deep scarlet, “I am not terrifying! Well, maybe when I was younger and I would cast more curses on people but-” He immediately shut his mouth and mentally smacked himself. Rule number one Germany. Don’t tell humans what you are.

The Country let out a chuckle, “Well, you seem nice to me, Mr. Witch.” Germany shot the Country a glare, not at all appreciating the nickname. “But you can relax. I’m a witch too. I mean, how else could I have survived that violent river?” He then stuck out his hand, “I’m America by the way.”

Germany gave him a wary look but still shook his hand. “I’m Germany. Why are you here? Witches don’t stray from their covens. And they’re no covens near here.”

The Country, America, shrugged his shoulders, “I had no reason to stay in the coven. My family was the only reason why I wanted to stay but they’re no longer alive so,” he shrugged his shoulders, “No point in being miserable.”

Germany felt his face fall a bit at the news but before he could say anything America sighed. “Look, I really don’t want any trouble. I’m just trying to pass through places so I can find a new home. I-”

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