🇫🇮Sick Day🇩🇪

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The alarm rang loudly in Germany's ears. He groaned and hit the off button. He sat up and stretched. Finland lay next to him,still asleep."Finland,get up you lazy bones."Germany said,nudging his shoulder. Finland moaned and rolled over. Germany was a little concerned."Are ye okay?"he asked."I don't feel so good."Finland mumbled from under the covers.

Germany got up and went to the bathroom. He came back with a thermometer."Open up."he commanded. Finland did as told. When it beeped,Germany took it out of Finland's mouth and cheecked the number.102.5."Jesus Christ,your temperature is at boiling point."he stated. Finland moaned again. He then tried to sit up."What do ye think your doing?"Germany asked.

"I have stuff to do today."Finland replied."Like hell you do. Your staying in bed."Germany stated. He gently pushed him back down."I'll take care of everything."Finland looked at him."You sure?I mean,no offense,but you're not exactly the type to handle stuff like I am."Germany gave him a fake hurt look."You don't trust me?"he questioned. Finland shook his head."I do,just not with important stuff."

"I'll show you that I can handle important jobs."Germany responded."You take a day off."Finland gave him a slight smile and got back under the covers. He instantly fell asleep. Germany got ready and looked over the list of things to do for the day.

"Let's see here. First thing to do is pick up some groceries. I can do that."Germany said to himself. He walked to the store and picked up the food. After putting the groceries away,he took another look at the list."Buy a new camera."Germany remembered all too well when he broke their camera.

"Buying a camera can't be too tough."But it was. Cameras were expensive and Germany needed a high quality one."Ugh,why is this so hard?It's just a damn camera."He picked out the first one he could find and paid. Germany then went to a hardware store to buy some tiles to fix the shed roof. As he was paying,a text was sent from Finland.

Finny:My head hurts like hell. Pick me up some Tylenol please?

Germany typed an answer and left for the drugstore. He got the Tylenol and drove home. When he walked into the bedroom,Finland had already fallen back to sleep."Finland,here's your Tylenol." Germany said. Finland mumbled something unintelligible and rolled over.

"You look like shit,"Germany stated."Thanks for the compliment,"Finland spoke sarcastically. He swallowed the pills and laid back down."I'm gonna work a bit. Is that okay?" "Yeah,that's fine,just don't overwork."Finland replied. Germany walked to their workplace and start up the computer. He is working on some paragraphs for the meeting. After finishing,Finland shuffled in.

"What are you doing up?"Germany questioned."Couldn't sleep. Besides,I'm feeling better after taking that Tylenol,"Finland answered. Germany nodded."EU have already been going crazy that you haven't send your work today."he noted. Finland smiled."Yeah,that's expected." "Why don't you go to the living room and watch some TV while I cook dinner."Germany suggested.

"Okei."Finland made his way to the living room and Germany headed into the kitchen. He fixed up some hamburgers and fries then sat next to Finland on the couch. Finland seemed to look much better."Well,I guess I was wrong about you not being able to take care of stuff."he said. Germany smiled."I proved you wrong for once."he responded. Finland laughed."Well,nobody's perfect."He glanced over at his boyfriend and saw that he was holding his head in his hands.

"You okay?"Finland asked."Mein head hurts is all."he replied. Finland placed his hand on Germany's forehead."You're burning up."he noted."I'm fine,don't worry about it."Germany said."No you're not. Go to bed you doof."Germany got up slowly and made his way to the bedroom. He flopped down and was half-asleep when Finland walked in,holding a thermometer.

"Looks like you caught my cold."Finland said when he looked at the tiny digital numbers. All Germany did was moan."Don't worry. You took care of me,so I'll take care of you."Finland told him. Germany gave him a thumbs up then fell into a deep sleep. Finland pushed his black hair back and kissed him."Thanks for taking care of me, Rakastan sinua."he whispered before leaving.

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