🇷🇺Short hide and seek🇩🇪

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Picture at the top is not mine

Germany just went in heat and it's not
his favorite time of the year.
Germany = Omega
Russia = Alpha
Germany started to panic as he just realized how late it was. Russia would be back home in no time.

Germany had woken up feeling uncomfortable and weird. He feared that time of the year.
An he was thankful Russia had to go to the UN office to work early because he would've gone mad on him, and Germany was not in the mood.
He tried to shower, drink cold water, nothing could help. He knew how he smelled during those periods and even though the stench made Russia crazy he just couldn't stand feeling like this.

The German tried to think as fast as he could, and the only idea that came to his mind, as dumb as it was, was hiding. He thought about the places his Alpha wouldn't find him or smell him.
The cupboards of the kitchen were too small, and the bathroom and the office had no place to hide.
There was only one place left, the bedroom. In the closet maybe. Germany decided he would go for that when he heard a car pull in the driveway of the house. Germany's heart jumped in his chest and he ran upstairs, opened the door and dropped under the bed.

Russia came into the house and left his keys on the table in the hallway. He looked around, surprised to find the living-room dark and empty. He was about to call for Germany when his nostrils twitched.
That smell.
Russia grinned, a shiver running down his body. He removed his coat and shoes and started looking around in the house. "Германия~?" he called, his voice as soft as he could with the heat starting to rise in his body and his mouth watering just thinking about his mate hiding from him.
He looked in the kitchen, in the office, then walked upstairs and looked in the bathroom, his muscles tensing more as the minutes passed.

Germany was facing the window, and couldn't see the door, but he could hears the footsteps coming closer. The space under the bed was very small and he wondered how he managed to fit in there. He shifted slightly, his groin rubbing against the floor and his body being slightly oversensitive because of the heats caused him to bite his lips, trying to muffle any sound that would escape his mouth.
When he heard the door open he held his breath, and his whole body tensed when he saw feet walking around the bed and open the closet. Germany always wondered how he did to open that thing with no problem while it would always get stuck when he tried.
The feet turned around and walked toward the door and Germany sighed heavily, when he suddenly felt two strong hands grab his ankles and he yelped in surprise and pain as he was dragged out from under the bed.

"You didn't really hope you'd hide away from me so easily, did you Germany?" Russia purred, lifting his mate to put him back on his feet and looking at him like a wolf looks at a piece of meat.
"N... Leave me alone Russland!" Germany stuttered, pushing Russia away and running down the stairs, Russia walking after him.
"You forgot your medication again, did you?" the Russian chuckled. "You either have a very bad memory or you actually like that kind of situation..." he added, speeding up his pace behind the German.
"Give me a break." Germany answered, not looking at him.
They were now both standing in the kitchen, stepping around it like two characters chasing each others in some cartoons.
"You know I hate those periods and how they make me feel!" he added, swallowing the lump in his throat as Russia lust-filled eyes were following each of his movements.
"Oh, but I know how to make you feel waaay better.." the older country said, his voice low. Germany stepped aside as Russia walked toward him, ready to jump above the table.
"I don't need it, thank you." the Omega/country lied, swallowing again. His heat was messing with his brain and even though his mind was trying to keep saying "no", his body was starting to scream for Russia's.

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