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That's the first story in months.
I think I'm a little out of practice.
Don't worry the next one will be a bit smug. I have to test if I'm still good at it.
Because I think a lot of people love my smug stories.


Germany was going be here soon.
America tried to stop reminding himself, but he felt giddy inside. Germany was going to be here, with America, staying in America's house. Why did that make him so excited?
America was seated on his couch, impatiently tapping his foot, phone in hand as it tapped in rhythm against his thigh. He was supposed to get a text from Germany when he got there. America wanted to pick him up, but Germany insisted on a cab. So America was left to sit there and wait for an indication.
A knock at his door.
America jumped from his seat, waited. Another knock. It couldn’t be Germany, Germany was supposed to text him first, right? No message on his phone.
America approached the door and opened it slowly, not even thinking to see who was on the other side through the peephole when he was attacked by two long arms.
“Boo!” a familiar German tone said with bubbling laughter. America physically jumped and Germany pulled away. “Scared you, didn’t I?”
“Jesus Christ, Germany!” America said, letting his own laughter out. Germany looked over America's shoulder.
“Were you just...sitting there waiting for me?” Germany asked, confused.
“Uh...,” America hummed, but didn’t utter anything. Yeah, he was, but that would be...weird.
“Hey, it’s okay if you did! I was kind of nervous, I’ve never gotten to stay in your house before!”
“Well, I mean, since it’s just me now, I had an extra room, so...” Germany laughed again.
“Can I bring my stuff in, or are you just goin’ to stand there like a goof?” America shook his head. Good God, he was out of it.
“Yeah, yeah, here,” he said, grabbing one of two bags Germany brought and leading him inside. “This way.” Germany followed as America went to the extra bedroom, which seemed a lot more empty than before. But still, it was better than the couch.
“Nice,” Germany grinned. America chuckled, albeit nervously. “Uh... America, are you okay? Your face is red.” America faced Germany fully now to see Germany with a grin and furrowed eyebrows. America hadn’t even noticed how much his face heated up.
“Hot weather,” America said. Germany looked out the bedroom window.
“It’s nearly about to rain.” America looked out and immediately regretted his lie. Well, he couldn’t really call it a lie because if it wasn’t the weather, then he didn’t know what it was.
It certainly wasn’t Germany. Never.
Well... Maybe a little bit.
“It’s going to be late soon, isn’t it?” Germany said, pulling out his phone and checking the time. “It’s really early in my country right now, I should be asleep.”
“What time?” America asked.
“Well, it’s nine at night now, so...,” Germany counted on his fingers, “it’s, like, five in the morning in my country.”
“Wow.” Germany laughed, then yawned.
“Uh, if it’s okay with you, I kind of need a nap or something.” America shrugged.
“Same here.” Germany grinned for about the tenth time since he’d arrived.
“So I guess I’ll see you in the morning?”
“Yeah.” America smiled. “Night, Germ.”
America headed to his bedroom, only pulling off his jeans and just lying down on his bed, trying to figure out what he was so God damn flustered about. Germany, sure, but that was because he hadn’t had Germany stay at his house before. But why was he going over the limits with it?
Germany seemed so happy to see him, hugged him at the door, big grins everywhere, and just... There were way too many factors to this. He just needed to sleep on all of this...
America jolted awake and hit his head on the bedframe, a loud thud echoing throughout the house. America yelped in surprise and sat up as much as he could, holding his head. Just a small bump, nothing to be worried about.
“Amerika?” a voice came from the door. America froze up. Who was in his house? “America, it’s Germany, are you okay?” It came back to him that Germany was staying in the other room. How could he forget something like that? America looked to the doorway to see Germany with one hand rubbing his eyes, the other propping his head with his elbow on the doorframe, ankles crossed, shirtless with boxers.
Way too much to take in.
So much, in fact, than America leaned to his left and fell to the floor in a heap.
“Amerika, Jesus, are you okay?” Germany said, rushing to where America was trying to get up with a groan of discomfort.
“Yeah, fine, I’m fine,” America assured, standing up slowly. Germany placed on hand on his shoulder, the other on his arm. “That’s okay, you don’t have t-” And then America slipped, sending him back onto his bed.
And Germany along with him.
Rather...on top of him. Straddling tightly with both hands on either side of his face.
“Germany, are you...okay...,” America said, the last word fading into a tremor when he focused his vision on Germany, black hair hanging in front of his eyes, Germany's eyes flitting over him, mouth parted just enough to see a small part of his teeth.
“...Amerika?” Germany said, but this time quietly. Like his face was getting closer.
“Yeah?” America replied in the same tone. America watched as Germany got closer, his lips got closer to his, and God, the anticipation was killing him right now.
And finally, finally, he felt Germany's lips against his own, slow but sure, nervous and tentative. Body lowering just a little bit more to feel Germany's stomach on his own, chests untouched. America kissed back just a bit more as he closed his eyes, and that seemed to get everything going.
Germany moved his arms closer to America's head, letting himself relax as he kissed America, trying to pinpoint just what he could do to get that right balance. The he remembered, and moved his hand to carress America's scalp softly, playing with the hair. America sighed and became more passionate, his hands going to play with Germany's hair, a little rougher than he meant. Germany pulled on his own hair on purpose, and his free hand gripped at the sheets, because good God, he loved that, and America could tell, too.
America gripped a little tighter and pulled just a bit, but that was enough because Germany moaned into his mouth, and America tasted his tongue there, nice and sweet, like coffee and candy. Like how he imagined it tasted.
Germany's hand let go of America's hair and moved as he balanced himself on his other, the now-free hand nearing America's face where he traced little lines with his thumb across his jaw before he moved to America's side, where it wavered across his shirt. Like a jolt to America, Germany's hand travelled under his shirt, pushing the bottom hem up to America's chest, revealing his skin. That was the first point that America really felt something in him. Something about Germany's hand on him, something about the way he traced circles, massaged, touched. Just felt...really good.
After just doing that, Germany made the desicion to kiss somewhere else. Along America's cheek, his jaw, down to his neck. America opened his eyes for the first time since this had started, looked at his ceiling which was plain white, shadowed with the night. He listened, heard rainfall outside paired with his and Germany's heavy breathing.
Germany made little test bites, trying to find the best place to kiss and bite and pull. America whimpered when Germany reached a certain place, somewhere on the side of his neck. Germany bit there, around there, testing again. Trying to taste and feel, before he bit in the right spot and America whimpered more, his knees pressing together, grip on Germany's hair tightening more. Germany bit again, a little more, gave it a tug, then let go, kissing where his teeth marks were. America tilted his head back, stretching his skin a little, and Germany grazed around the spot with his teeth.
This was so much, so much for America. This was everything he wanted. This was everything he dreamed.
This was perfect.


🌺I hope it was good🌺

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