Chapter 2- Percy

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Percy had battled about a million monsters since he had found out that he was a demigod. But a mere cup of coffee with Annabeth made him nervous. Especially since he was coming.

As Percy entered Starbucks, he looked around for them, but couldn't see anyone. Taking a seat the nearest table, he waited five minutes before they entered.

Annabeth was looking pretty as usual, with her blonde hair down today. She was only wearing a shirt and jeans, but Percy's stomach still did a little lurch. Then he saw him. His blonde hair was now shaggy. He looked the age he had when he had died, about twenty something. He had the courage to wear a Camp Half-Blood shirt. A long scar still ran along his cheeks. Luke.

He smiled at Percy, took Annabeth's hand, and came over.

Immediately, Percy felt a pang of jealousy against him. Percy knew that Annabeth used to have a major crush on Luke, but after his death, had started liking Percy instead.

When Luke took Annabeth's hand, she blushed, but on seeing Percy's expression, let go of it immediately and came over to talk.

"Hey Percy,"she said.

"Hey Annabeth,"he said."Hey Luke."

"Hey." A simple greeting. Percy had thought Luke had said his last years ago on his sixteenth birthday. He'd ,are peace with him, and then Luke had moved on to Elysium. And yet here he was, in front of his, ordering a double espresso, the kind Grover would've loved.

"So," Percy said,trying to start the conversation."Annabeth told me that you were back from the dead." Straight to the point. Get it over with.

"The Doors of Death, I'm guessing," he continued, "but if Hades isn't catching people and deporting them back to the Underworld, there must be about a thousand souls who are here but are not supposed to be."

Luke smiled. "You're right Percy, I did come through the Doors of Death, and after you and Annabeth closed them, Hades did deport the souls back, but for some reason, a few souls, like mine, did not get deported back to the Underworld. Whether Hades forgot, or made a mistake, or I was given a second chance at life, I don't know, and as you can see, I'm not complaining."

He looked so much at ease it discomfited Percy to a great extent. They'd always had a rocky history. Annabeth had liked him, and he'd been friends with both of them. Then he'd turned traitor for Kronos and deserted them. Years of killing and cruelty did nothing to help Annabeth's little crush on him, something Percy had not exactly liked. Then he'd decided that he liked Annabeth, but by then Kronos had taken over him. In the end he'd given up his life to save the world, but what sacrifice had it been, if Luke could come back two years later and start drinking double espressos? Percy took a deep breath.

"Okay. Supposing I believe you, but why show yourself now, why not immediately after you came back?"

"The time wasn't right. If I had barged in on you before, your whole quest would have been ruined. Would you really want that? I had to time my appearance properly, and only after the Second Great Prophecy."

Percy scowled. Annabeth, who had been pretty much still up until now, frowned at him.

"Point taken," Percy admitted ,"but why meet here, and not at camp?"

He was not going to let Luke get away without hammering him with questions.

"Too dangerous. What if nobody listens to me? That's why I'm asking you and Annabeth first. If I go with both of you, people might think that I'm good now," Luke replied, but with a tone of bitterness in his voice.

"So when are we going to camp?"

"After we finish talking." He sounded confident and eager. Like someone who couldn't wait to get back home.

But Camp Half-Blood had been his home for years. He'd grown up there, hadn't he. Percy realised, that maybe, all Luke wanted was a little love. Maybe he wouldn't turn evil this time. After all, he did die for the world.

Yeah, right. And maybe Leo would finally build a giant golden llama that Percy had been pestering him to make. Even so, Percy beards words coming out of his mouth consciously.

"So what are we waiting for? Let's catch a cab to Long Island.


The cab ride was quiet. Nobody talked, except for the driver, who was singing along to 'California Gurls' on the radio. Percy felt a stab of annoyance against Katy Perry. When they reached, Annabeth handed over a roll of mortal cash to the driver, and the three of them got out and stood staring at the pine tree at the hill, while the taxi driver speed away.

Slowly, they walked towards the tree, wondering of what to tell Chiron. When they entered and went to the big house, they found the usual scene- Mr D sipping diet coke and playing cards with Chiron and two satyrs.

" Percy-" Chiron started, but his voice faltered when he saw Luke. "What..." He trailed off.

The satyrs around started fidgeting. Chiron seemed to be at a shock for words for the first time since Percy had known him. Only Mr D seemed unperturbed. He tapped annoyingly at the table, as if to remind Chiron of the game they were supposed to be playing. Then he gave Percy and Annabeth glares, as if it was their fault he was losing at the game. Then he looked over Luke as if he was a slug.

"Ahh! Leslie Cameron!" Mr D said mildly," Welcome back. Please remember the protocols and the fact that this dratted camp has changed greatly since you've been here. "

Chiron, who seemed to have finally defrosted, ignored him and said,"It looks like we have a lot to discuss. Percy, call for a cabin counsellors' meeting."

Percy Jackson-A Wizard ( Percy Jackson Harry Potter fanfic) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now