Chapter 5-Percy

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After arriving at Camp Half-Blood, everything went pretty much how Percy expected it to go.

On seeing Luke, Chiron had (obviously) called for a counsellors' meeting. All the satyrs ran across camp and banged on every single cabin until the counsellor came out, seemingly irritated.

After about half an hour, everybody finally gathered in the new Rec room,which had obviously been designed by Annabeth. It wasn't much of a rec room though,because it was only used for meetings.

Annabeth had really planned the rec room(or as Percy liked to call it - 'The War Meetup') properly.

In the middle, there was a huge round table surrounded by chairs all numbered according to their cabins having the counsellor's name on it. They were one of those plush comfy recliners with a built in cup holder, dining tray, and foot stand. It usually worked amazing for meetings involving the campers' probable deaths.

The table itself was laden with all kinds of delicacies- ready made chicken nuggets, cereal bars(for the Aphrodite kids, boy, even Piper had been health conscious since she'd started dating Jason), nachos with cheese sauce and Ritz Bits.

In one corner, was a miniature replica of camp. Miniature somehow did not fit the bill. It was at least as big as Percy's room. Every single detail was perfect, from the ruins of the Labyrinth entrance near Zeus' fist, to the lava climbing wall. It was magically enhanced. You could see every single camper on it. You could see them walk, talk, eat and even sneak out at night without permission. Even the birds flying and the animals in the woods could be seen in it. It was like the mini mountain from the movie Rachel had suggested to him-'Spy Kids' or something.

Two walls of the room were inbuilt bookshelves. One wall contained old books, scrolls and almost every Greek mythology book imaginable. The other wall had cubby holes filled with scrolls, which had strategic plans, camp history, books about recent wars in the last thousand years, and a bio data and report card of every single camper till now.

Everybody was tense about the Luke chapter. Most of them had their hands on their weapons, ready to take Luke down if needed. Only Butch from Iris cabin, Katie from Demeter, Piper, and Rachel were calm.

Oh, and Annabeth. She was definitely acting calm. It was too eerie for words. She usually tried to cheer them up if the campers are troubled or depressed before emergency meetings (since it usually predicted something dangerous), but today she was the one who looked like she needed some serious cheering up. In these conditions, Percy didn't blame her.

About a minute later, Chiron walked in, Luke following him. Everyone went stiff (more than they were before, at least) and there was pin drop silence.

Chiron started the meeting. Chiron politely asked Luke the same questions Percy had asked, and Luke politely responded back. They were unnaturally calm, and Luke went to the trouble of explaining the entire story of how he had gotten out of the Underworld, which seemed to have included several hellhounds, furies and giant red dogs.

When the meeting got over, it was time for Chiron to make his decision. Well, technically it was up to Mr D to make the decision, but no one cared about his opinion (although nobody ever said that aloud in fear of being turned into a dolphin).

Chiron made the decision. Unsurprisingly, he decided to give Luke a second chance. However, he did make a few ground rules clear.

One: Luke was no longer the cabin counsellor. He had lost that privilege.

Two: He had a tour guide, since the camp had been redesigned with major changes. Chiron asked for volunteers. Only Annabeth had raised her hand.

On the whole, Percy felt it was quite a decent ruling, and everybody unanimously approved, wanting to leave as soon as they could. After the meeting was adjourned, Chiron called Percy aside.

"Percy," Chiron said gravely, "We finally got peace, but it looks like things are shaking up again. But for now, it's nothing serious. There is no point in you staying at camp now. Perhaps you could go to your mother's home for the school year."

The way Chiron said the words 'mother's home', Percy got a feeling that he wasn't talking about Manhattan. But he, for one thing, he was being kicked out of camp. He opened his mouth to protest, but Chiron had already walked away from him.


Percy reached his mom's place by late evening. He was tired and flustered by the day's events. He went to look for his mom, but could not find her. He decided to check her room.

As soon as he entered the room, Percy heard a fluttering sound, saw a white fluff flying out of the window, with his mom standing right beside it, looking very calm and composed. When he went forward to the window and checked further, he saw a bird flying away. He was pretty sure what it was. He had seen it in Annabeth's cabin. Her mom's sacred bird, though Percy knew it wasn't related to anything Greek. It was an owl.

Percy Jackson-A Wizard ( Percy Jackson Harry Potter fanfic) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now