Chapter 21- Percy

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Percy tried to weave through the huge crowd, desperately looking for Hermione. If someone could help him out, it was her.

"Excuse me," he muttered to a gaggle of third year girls, trying to enter the Great Hall. The girls blushed red on seeing him and ran away giggling.

Annoyed, Percy entered the Great Hall for breakfast and scanned the room for Hermione. She was nowhere to be found, and had probably eaten a quick breakfast and left.

Disappointed, Percy went and sat down next to Harry and glumly grabbed a piece of bacon.

"Whazapen?" Ron asked, with his mouth full of food.

"I'm looking for Hermione. Professor McGonagall wants my third year subject choices by the end of breakfast, and if one person can help me out, it's Hermione."

"What are we, slugs?" Ron asked in an affronted tone. "We can help you out."

"Yeah," Harry said, reading the Prophet simultaneously, "But he's got a point. Hermione's better at this stuff than us- there she is!" he put down the the newspaper and nodded in Hermione's direction, who came and sat next to Ron.

"Where were you?" Harry asked.

"Draco Malfoy just put his name in the Goblet of Fire." Hermione said, picking up a slice of buttered bread. "Everyone was watching him in the Entrance Hall."

The reason as to why everybody was moving towards the Entrance Hall when Percy was coming in, suddenly made sense to Percy.

"Did the Goblet spew his name back out?" Ron asked maliciously. "Little git probably showed off for Parkinson."

"Malfoy doesn't like Pansy Parkinson anymore, not that I blame him," Hermione said matter-of-factly, picking up the newspaper Harry had put down and reading through it. "I heard he likes Astoria Greengrass now, that's what Ginny told me. Astoria is in her year."

"Isn't she Daphne's younger sister?" Harry inquired.

"Yeah," she responded, turning the pages of the Prophet, "But unlike her stuck up sister, Astoria is actually nice. I've talked to her a few times, she seems pretty decent for someone who has a sister in Slytherin."

"Wait," Percy said, confused. "Isn't Astoria in Slytherin too? Don't siblings get sorted into the same house?"

"Not really." Hermione said. "The Patil twins are in different houses. It's based on your character, not your family line. Harry's godfather, Sirius- his entire family was in Slytherin, but he was a Gryffindor. Same goes for Astoria."

"Wait, Malfoy likes a Gryffindor?" Ron looked like Christmas had come early. "Excellent. Is she Muggle-born? Please tell me she's Muggle-Born."

"No, she's a pureblood, Ron."

"Anyone else put their name in the Goblet?" Harry asked, ignoring Ron's disappointed expression.

"Yeah," Hermione said, "Dean and Seamus put theirs in after dinner last night, and Terry Boot got up early to do it. And of course, the entire Beauxbatons and Durmstrang team did it. And there go Ernie and Hannah," she pointed to two Hufflepuffs who were going into the Entrance Hall now.

"You know," Ron said, "I think I'll enter. So many people are doing it. Might as well. What about you guys?"

Hermione shrugged. "Suit yourselves, but I'm not entering. I'd rather watch than play."

"But Hermione," Ron said impatiently, "We're probably not going to be selected, with so many people. But there's no harm trying, right?"

"I don't know, Ron." Harry said. "You may get selected. What about you, Percy?"

Percy Jackson-A Wizard ( Percy Jackson Harry Potter fanfic) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now