Chapter 10- Percy

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Percy and Harry looked at each other for what seemed like ages, before Ron cleared his throat.

"Uh," he started. "Do you guys know each other or something?"

Harry shook his head at Ron and extended a hand forward to Percy.

"Hullo. I'm Harry." he said.

"Yeah. I know, you're famous here. I'm Percy."

Both the boys seemed suspicious and a little dazed on seeing each other.

They seemed wary and sat down staring at each other.

The awkwardness in the train was only cleared after Neville spoke up.

"So Percy, where are you from? New York, right?"

"Yeah," Percy responded, and soon the compartment was filled with chatter and talk about how New York was like. He told them about the Statue of Liberty, the Rockerfeller Centre, and the Empire State Building. They talked about it until an old lady came with a trolley.

"Anything from the trolley, dears?" she asked.

Everyone got up to buy something from the trolley. Percy went and checked it out. There were Chocolate Frogs, Pumpkin Pasties, Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, and many other sweets.

It reminded Percy of the time his mother used to work in a candy shop, and bring home blue candy for him. Percy bought whatever looked even remotely blue, and a few other things. His arms were bulging with candy by the time he sat down.

"Hungry, are you?" Ron asked.

"Not really." Percy responded absent mindedly, trying to tear open a chocolate frog. "I just wanted to try all of them out. Never had them before."

The fact that Percy had never had any of the things on the trolley was fascinating to everyone.

"You have got to have the Pumpkin Pasties." Neville said.

"Or..." Ron started, grinning mischievously. "Try the Canary Charms. They're really good." he told Percy.

"Canary Charms? Do they have those here?" Percy looked down at his lap to see a pink package which read Canary Charms! They're amazing!

He picked it up to read its information seal, but Ron spoke up. "Trust me, they're good. They're surprisingly good."

"What's the surprise in it?"

"Just have it. They've started putting these in the trolley only this year. My brothers invented it in their last year at Hogwarts."

"Uh, okay."

Percy ripped the package open to see a pink tart. It probably would taste better if it was blue.

He bit into it after looking at everyone, who were glancing at him expectantly, except for Hermione, who was reading a book, oblivious to her surroundings.

The tart was good. Not amazing, but good. After the first bite, he chewed it and tasted raspberry. When he looked up at everyone a minute later after finishing the tart, he saw that all of them excluding were staring at him, shocked.

"What?" he said defensively. "it wasn't that good, okay."

Percy felt that they were all going to eat him up in less than a minute, like how he ate up that tart.

Were wizards cannibals? If so, he was going to taste awful. All muscles and no fat. And his family would miss him terribly, not to mention that. And being eaten up wasn't exactly a good way to go.

Luna was the first to speak. "Wow. You're completely fine."

"Of course I'm fine. Why, are you not?"

Luna rolled her eyes. Hermione seemed to have looked up finally, and Harry was explaining the situation to her.

"Thing is," Neville said, "You're not supposed to be fine. You're supposed to be a Canary right now. That's the trick of the Canary Charms."

Percy had a small suspicion as to why he didn't turn into a canary: he was a half blood. He knew that they were warming up to ask the question they had wanted to since the moment he had been introduced.

Who was he and why was he here? Was he an evil wizard, like Voldemort, the one who they feared? The one who everyone feared? Who went and killed innocents for fun? Or was he the result of some experiment, and was bitten by some radioactive Screwts?

Okay maybe he was exaggerating. They wouldn't have had seen the movies. They were your normal everyday wizards who defeated great immortal wizards for fun. But they were wondering why he didn't turn into a pink feathery friend.

And so was he. Was there something in his demigod blood? But those were things to think about later. Right now, he had to think up an answer to give.

"So you guys tried to turn me into a canary? Epic fail, people."

Harry smiled. "Is that all you got out of that?"

Not really. I got a lot more, but I don't want to express it, Percy thought.

"Well, yeah." He lied. He usually came off as dumb, and it helped in situations like these.

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"You know, I have two friends back home. They're brothers. They're pranksters too, and could probably give you guys a run for your money."

Changing the topic was probably his best shot. Luckily, Ron continued the conversation, and they were soon in a discussion of how Connor and Travis Stroll turned his hair green for a month.


It was originally going to be longer,  but then I thought of just updating what I had, since you guys were going to tear me apart if I took any longer to update. But I am halfway through the next chapter so expect an update soon.

Oh, and remind me never to make promises.  I suck at keeping them.

And to all of you guys who sent me death threats and hate mail in comments and private messages for not updating, please do that more often. I find that it helps me update faster.

On another note, OMFG PJAW has reached over 300 votes!!! This was the second main reason I updated!! If you guys vote for my chapters, I'll update faster.

Can I have 30 more votes? PRETTY PLEASE???!!! If I don't get them I'll update anyway, but the updates just come faster when I'm happy.

And I like the fact that you guys leave comments too.

So don't forget to




PS. Did anyone see Spiderman?

Percy Jackson-A Wizard ( Percy Jackson Harry Potter fanfic) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now