Chapter 22- Harry

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Harry's ears roared and his brain buzzed. Draco Malfoy?

The Goblet of Fire thought Draco Malfoy was worthy enough of competing in the Triwizard Tournament? He wouldn't have deemed Malfoy even worthy enough to join the Gobstones club.

The entire hall had gone silent for a second, then the Slytherins roared with approval. They stood up and cheered loudly as Malfoy made his way through the Hall, shaking nervously.

The claps from the other three tables were very subdued, and everybody held expressions of shock.

Professor McGonagall cleared her throat.

"Yes, that will be enough. Students, go to your common rooms. As everone knows, the second Quidditch match of the season is tomorrow. All other delegates are welcome to watch."

"Second?" Percy asked, confused, as they headed back up to the common room.

"First was Hufflepuff versus Ravenclaw," Hermione said. "It was the day you had extra classes with Slughorn. Ravenclaw won. Tomorrow we play them."

"I missed the first match of the season?" Percy looked lost, but everyone else was more interested in what had just happened.

"Malfoy!" He heard Ernie Macmillan and Neville talk about him foully. "The Goblet could've chosen anybody, and it chose Malfoy?"

"Well," Ron said brightly. "If he dies this year we won't be sad. We can watch this tournament with fun. Did you see the Durmstrang chap? Kyle Matthews. Looks extremely fierce."

"So did the Beauxbatons girl," Percy said. "Anybody can win."

"But seriously," Harry said, as they entered the common room, "Malfoy? He has no talent, except probably running away."

There was much chatter as they went to bed that evening. Everyone was annoyed that the Goblet had chosen a Slytherin Champion, and were rooting for either Kyle Matthews or Juliet Haze.

"Did you see Juliet though?" A boy asked dreamily. "She's definitely part Veela."

They rolled their eyes and departed for the dormitories.

The next day, although the Slytherins were still celebrating, the other three houses had decided to move on to more pressing matters.

The second match of the season decided Gryffindor's fate for the Quidditch Cup. If they won against Ravenclaw they would advance to play Hufflepuff. If not, they were out of running.

That morning Harry woke up to much commotion in the dormitories. Everybody was staring at him, or more specifically, at his bed.

He got out to see a large package at the foot of the bed, probably delivered to him by the house elves at night. It was a long, thin package and everybody was staring at it.

"Did you finally order your broomstick?" Ron asked. "That's what this looks like."

Broomstick? Harry was still using Fred's old Cleansweep. Harry tore the packing apart to see that, it was, indeed, a broom. The Pegasus.

Everybody gasped.

"Do you reckon somebody left it for you to play? Perhaps they heard how your Firebolt got destroyed..." Neville said.

"Or maybe it's cursed," Percy said, frowning.

"Can't be." Harry said, looking at it in awe. "Who would want to kill me now? And all packages are being checked by the Ministry. They would've seen for charms and dark magic. That's probably why it came so late. They must be double checking all the mail being sent to me, or it would've arrived ages ago."

Percy Jackson-A Wizard ( Percy Jackson Harry Potter fanfic) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now